Makayla and Jake's Sister (1)

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I looked down at the grey sidewalk as I continued to slowly put one foot in front of the other. I took in a deep breath, the smell of the fresh rain instantly attacking me. I looked up from my shoes and glanced around. Everything was in a house, and the few unfortunate animals that were locked outside silently watched as I walked past them. I smiled at a dog that was standing beside the fence, who, in return, stuck his tongue out at me.

I gave a small snicker before I continued to slowly walk as I looked around. All the leaves on the trees had fallen off into the light, almost completely white, grass. Rain was still abusing everything in sight; houses, fences, cars, everything it could reach. I turned my head to face the entrance of the door to a small gas station. Why did Jake's town have to be so small...

I bit my lip and hesitantly opened the glass door, walking into the shop. It was like a small country shop; it defiantly wasn't anything you'd see in a large city. It smelled of corn dogs and worms; the walls were a dark brown color and there were shelves holding random snacks and drinks. A few people were sitting at the tables that were scattered around the building, accompanied by black and red chairs.

I slid my hood of my hoodie off of my head as I took a seat at one of the tables that was empty. I pulled out my phone, seeing I had a message from Jake!

'Yeah, I'll be there is about 10 minuets or so. Stay there!'

I smiled as I read the message. He's such a dork! I clicked the button in the middle of my screen and went back to the homepage. As I was about to click on a game, I felt somebody tug on the sleeves of my undershirt. I had on a short sleeved, black T-shirt that had an Illuminati sign on the front with a dark grey, long sleeved T-shirt under it. I turned to see a little girl, no older then seven.

"Hi!" She rang. I gave a smile as I tilted my head to the side.

"Hello there." I said, her giving off a giggle.

"My name is Makayla. What's yours?" She asked, walking away from my side and climbing into the chair in front of the table and on the opposite side that I was sitting on.

"Oh, uh, my name is Albert." I said, giving a small laugh at her.

"That's a nice name." She said, sitting up on her knees.

"Why thank you." I said as I set my phone down, smiling as I looked over at her. "So, uh, where's your mom?" I asked softly. She paused and looked around before pointing behind me. I turned and looked back to the way she pointed. Sure enough there was a women at the counter, a phone in her hand and her back turned to us.

"Her name is mommy." She said, causing me to give a small laugh.

"Well, you know, you're shouldn't just talk to random people. You should go back to her before she starts to worry." I said, my phone dinging. I looked down to see it was just Jake telling me he was here. I looked back up at the young girl. She paused before smirking and nodding.

"Okay! Bye, Albert!" She chirped. I smiled as I watched her climb out of the chair and skip back to her mothers side. I stood and shoved my phone into my hoodie pocket, which was wrapped around my waist. I turned and walked to the door of the small shop, walking out of it. The rain had stopped, the cool air now attacking me from every angle. I shivered, the smell of fresh rain filling my nose. I smiled brightly as I walked over to the pearl white truck, the male I grew to love in the front seat!

"Took you long enough." He teased when I got into the passengers seat. I smirked and rolled my eyes.

"There was this adorable little girl in there I was talking to. Her name was Makayla." I said, humming as I buckled up. Jake glanced at me and huffed. "What's wrong...?" I asked, confused.

"Did her mom have brown, wavy hair?" He asked. I knitted my eyebrows together and slowly nodded.

"Yeah..." I mumbled, seeing Jake smirk.

"Damn it, Albert! You were supposed to meet my sister till later tonight!" He whined, playfully punching me in the arm. My eyes light up.

"For real; that was your sister?!" I bit my lip and giggled. "Tell her she's a really bad mom. She just let her kid run off and talk to strangers!" I snapped playfully. I watched as Jake placed a hand on my lower thigh and kissed my forehead.

"Well, I might as well go ahead and tell you everything. I made plans for us to meet my sister at the fair tonight. And, you know... after I finally introduced you to her, I was gonna let them stay at our house and me and you stay in a hotel room." I turned to face him, giving a confused glance.

"Why do we have to stay in a hotel room?" I asked softly. I saw him smirk as he shoved my back against the leather seat of the car. I bit my lip, giving off a faint whimper.

"It's been almost a whole year of use dating and about seven months of us living together... I think it's finally time you- you know- let me have your virginity..." he said, winking at me. I felt my cheeks burning with blush as I quickly looked off to the side.

He gave a small snicker as he let my arms go. "M-Maybe... I'll think about it..." I admitted, hiding my face in my hands in embarrassment. I heard him laugh, which made me feel even more embarrassed, a pit forming in my stomach.

"I love you." He cooed, starting the car. "Now let's go get ready for the fair!" He yelled excitedly, pulling out of the parking lot.

I have two things to say. One, part two? Comment yes or no!!
Two, so there is some person going around and reporting a bunch of comments on my stories that don't need to be reported. If a person is doing something wrong or says something that isn't appropriate, I understand. But please don't report a comment just to do it. Thank you and have a great day!!!! 💗

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