Hotel room

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This was a fabulous request made by @eeeeeeck

"No, bitch!!" Jake yelled, us both bursting into laughter.

"Excuse me, handsome, but last time I checked I wasn't a female dog!!" I snapped with a huff, a smile still on my face as I looked up at my beautiful boyfriend, who was looming over me. His chocolate brown hair was in his face and covered one of his eyes, which I found absolutely adorable.

"Well, I don't care if you're a dog or not, you're still my bitch..." He purred, me blushing as I shoved him off of me and onto his side on the bed beside me. He was laughing as I continued to let my cheeks burn from embarrassment.

"Oh, shut it!" I barked, jerking my head to the side when there was a knock on the door. I looked over at Jake before standing and walking over to the white wood that separated us from the hallway. I twisted the shining knob and opened the door, looking around. There was nobody there?

"Who is it babe?" Jake asked as I heard his footsteps go from the bed to my side.

"Literally nobody...?" I said as I turned to look at him. He smiled at me, taking a glance in the hallway.

"Um, okay? Well we should stop making out and go enjoy our time anyways. I didn't spend all that money just for us to do the same thing we do at home all day." He said with a chuckle as he opened the door wider and walked out. I followed behind him, being silent as I watched a security guard walk past us.

"Uhm, Jakey...?" I mumbled as I ran up to him and grabbed his hand, holding it tightly.

"Yeah, baby?" He asked as we walked over to the stairs.

"I think that something suspicious is going on..." I quietly informed him, us beginning to walk downstairs. I looked up at him in time to see him cock an eyebrow at my comment.

"Why do you think that, sweetheart?" He asked as we began to turn the corner to go to the car.

"Well, because..." I gave off a yelp, being cut off as I felt somebody run into me. As I fell onto the ground with a whine, I opened my eyes and looked over to see a girl on the floor right in front of me.

"I am so sorry!!" She quickly apologized, looking around frantically. I cut my eyes at her, looking up at Jake, who was just watching in confusion. He reached a hand down and helped pull me to my feet, him helping her up, too.

"It's alright..." I quietly said, jumping when she grabbed both me and Jake's hands and dragged us to the door of a supply closet in a rushed manner.

"W-What are you doing?!" Jake asked in a confused tone as she opened the door and dragged us inside. She let us go and turned, looking out the door with a pale face before she closed it and pressed her back against its frame so that nobody could get in.

I reached over and cling to Jakes arm, tilting my head to the side as she gave off a small laugh. "Oh my gosh; you're Jake and Albert!" She almost yelled at them, a spark in her eyes. "I love you guys!" She exclaimed happily, giving off a squeal. I felt Jake looked over at me before glancing back up at her.

"Uh, thanks?" He mumbled. "Now why did you drag us in here?" The girl have off a nervous chuckle, shoving her hands into her jean pockets.

"Well me and one of my friends were running around and messing with people- like, knocking on their doors and stuff- and somebody called securing on us so we had to run, and we got split up. And I ran into y'all... and now I'm super happy!" She said, squealing and bouncing up and down on her heels. I paused and cocked one of my eyebrows, tilting my head to the side.

"You're the one that knocked on our door!" I said with a small huff, still tightly clinging to my boyfriends arm. Her eyes light up at my words.

"So y'all are staying in one of the rooms I was messing with, hmm~?" She said with a wink. "My name is Lilly, by the way." She stated. I was gonna comment, but she already knew who we were. So, instead of saying anything, I just looked up at Jake awkwardly.

He looked fed up, rolling his eyes. "Whatever..." he mumbled, walking over and softly pushing her out of the way before he opened the door and walked out. I saw her face light up when he touched her arm to move her, me giving a small giggle before I walked over to her.

"I'm sorry. He's like an angsty teenager. I hope we get to see you again soon!" I said, turning and running after Jake. I heard her give off another squeal as I walked off, making me smirk as I grabbed Jake's hand once more.

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