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Warning: This chapter has basically all the warnings you can think of.


It had been six whole days; almost seven. Since I've been trapped here, I've been beaten thirty times, tortured twenty two times, and raped fifteen times~ nine of which were recorded. Now I was stuck here, hardly able to even talk from how hoarse my voice was from all the crying and yelling I had been doing.

These chains that kept me tied to the wall were digging into my wrists. My dirt-covered cheeks were stained from my tears, my body covered in bruises and cuts, and my arms covered in blood from the metal chains.

Other than me there was a girl around my age, and a younger kid; him being about ten. It's amazing where one drunken night can get you...

I called Jake the night that I was leaving the bar and told him I felt like somebody was following me. I told him about the guys I had seen numerous times that night and I told him I knew something was up! But what did he say?!

You're just drunk, baby. Hurry and get home~ I'll protect you on the couch with a movie and cuddles.

So much for him being boyfriend of the year... But surely he would have called the cops after me being gone for so long. I bet they're looking for us right as I speak! Well, think...

Surely me and these other two had to have something in common when we were taken! The cops are probably making connections as we speak.

"No, let me go!!!!" I heard the girl, who's name was Dylan, screaming from the hallway. There was a loud bang as the metal door flung open, one of the guys dragging her in by her hair. "I don't want to be here!!!!" She pleaded, Milo beginning to burst into tears.

I whimpered loudly, pulling at my arms. The feminine side of me wanted to crawl over to the young boy and hold him close and wipe his tears, along with help Dylan regain herself. But the real me couldn't. The real me sat there, emotionless and worried like hell!

If they didn't get what they wanted from her, then they went to me. They knew one of us had the answers to the bullshit questions they asked us, but it wasn't me! I can't even comprehend most of the things they ask!

I looked up when one of the men came over to me, harshly grabbing my chin and forcing me to look at him. He stared at me for a moment before dropping my face, beginning to mess with the chains that kept my body against the wall.

"You best hope that you don't tell any lies today, bitch. I've been wanting to take your life for a long time~ don't give me an excuse to do it." The male snapped, a small whimper escaping from my throat as I collapsed onto my weak knees. The male, who's name none of us knew, grabbed my already sore arms and forced me to stand, ignoring my shaky and kinda pathetic stance.

I was looking over at the guy, who's name was also unknown, while he tied up Dylan, making sure she wasn't able to get out before turning back to us. Dylan was yelling and screaming as much and loud as she could, Milo still crying. Though, who could blame him? The young boy was surely horrified!

Both men grabbed one of my arms, helping hold me up as they dragged me to the hallway. The metal door slammed shut behind up and one of the guys locked it, the other leading me upstairs. I gave a confused look, whimpering each step I took.

They've never brought us upstairs before. Not that I knew of, anyways. "W-What's going on...?" I quietly and hesitantly asked.

Both of the men ignored me and simply dropped my arms. I gasped loudly, falling into my knees with a whimper.

I rubbed my eyes before looking around the room. I was in a living room? There was a couch and a coffee table and a television and a book case and a kitchen and a dinning room and everything I though I'd never see again! But, there was no windows and- as far as I could see- there wasn't a door, either. The only thing that was illuminating the room was a few candles and a light that hung from the ceiling in the dinning room.

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