Can I help?

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This is the third day that Jake's been absent from school! It's also been three days since he's called, texted, or Skype'd me. I'm actually really nervous... why'd he just disappear without telling me what was wrong?!

I sighed, looking back down at the sidewalk as I happily skipped down it. His house was about ten minutes away from mine, but it was worth walking to if I got to make sure he was okay! I sighed and pulled my backpack higher on my shoulder as I turned and looked at the house, frowning as I did so.

The house was obviously abused from it's health. There was dirt covering the sides of it and vines trailing up the walls. There was beer cans and three lawn chairs in the yard, three men being in the chairs with beers in their hands. I bit down on my lip, nervously walking up to the men. "I-I'm here to see Jake..." I said, rocking back and forth on my heels.

"Why do you need him?" One of the men asked. He had a light scar going down his right eye and his hair was a mess. He smelled like a combination of beer and weed... poor Jake...

"I-I, uh... I need to give him some... uh, some h-homework." I lied, shoving my hands into my pockets.

"Mkay. That boys been going around that house talking bout some boy. Ain't no way I'm having no damn fagot in my home! Anyways, he's probably in his room. If not, just come back later..." The man said before going back to his conversation. My eyes widened at his language. So I am guessing Jake never told his dad we were a thing? Then again, I can see why. His dad was scary...

I sighed and turned, quickly walking up to the house. I knocked on the door, and inside I could feel the gentleness and kindness of Jake's radiating personality, causing my to smile. It only took a few seconds before the door opened. "Hi, can I~ Albert?!"
I heard him give a gasp. I looked up to see him quickly hide half of his body behind the door. "W-What the hell are you doing here?!"

"I, uh... I came to make sure you're okay. I missed you! And... a-and you haven't been answering my phone calls or my texts! I just... I wanted to make you are okay." I said in a quiet tone. "Do... d-do you not want me here?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow with a slight frown.

"I didn't say that. Just... ugh, just come in." He said. I bit down in my lip, hesitantly nodding and walking into the house, him holding the door open for me. He closed it quickly once I was inside and turned around, he slammed the door closed and instantly grabbed my arm. I stayed silent as he began to lead me up the stairs into a small room.

All that was in the room was a bad, a dresser, and a mirror. Not even a light switch was visible. He sighed and walked to the bed, taking a seat on it and groaning as he hid his face in his hands. "Jakey~ what's wrong?" I asked him, setting my backpack on the ground beside the door.

"I want to tell you, Albert... but... I don't want to get you involved with my drama." He said with a small whimper. I bit down on my lip and took a seat beside him on the small bed.

"But I wanna be in your life. I don't want you to push me away!" I said. I sounded a bit frantic, but he was starting to scare me; he never hides himself from me...

He let out a deep sigh as he turned and looked at me. "Albert... nothing's ever enough. I'm never enough!" He layed down, using his elbows to prop him up. "I stayed up until almost four A.M in the morning last night cleaning the house because dad asked me to. When he woke up this morning, he looked throughout the entire house and said 'could've been better.' And I know I am just overreacting, but it really does get to me! I tried so hard to make things perfect for him and he's says they could be better! What's wrong with what I did accomplish?! What's wrong with me?!" He yelled, a few tears running down his cheeks as he stared at his scared up arms.

He told me a while ago he was cutting, but he also told me a month ago he stopped. That was an obvious lie... the cuts overlapping the scares looked fresh... no older than a day- maybe even a few hours? "Babe, there's nothing wrong with you. You're perfectly normal! It's your dad~ he's a freak! He's making you feel worthless and useless when you're not!" I said as I threw my arms around him.

He sighed and slowly put his arms around my waist. He was shaking faintly. "A-Albert..." He paused as I slowly looked up at him.

"Yeah, Jake?" I quietly asked, holding him close to me.

"I love you..." He said, letting out a shakey breath of air. We both flinched when there was a loud slam at the front door, followed by a symphony of cuss words. I hesitated before looking back at my boyfriend.

"I love you too... do you, uh... maybe wanna come stay with me for a while?" I asked as I slowly let him go and sat up. He was lost in thought for a moment before he slowly nodded, sitting up beside me.

"It'll be okay, Jakey. My parents already know we're dating. And they'll help take care of you... I promise." I said, pecking him on the lips. And that was the first time in a long time I saw him smile. His real smile...

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