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Jake's POV

I groaned loudly as I collapsed onto the couch dramatically. I turned and looked at Albert as he passed me off an annoyed look. "I'm bored!" I yelled before groaning again, rolling off of the couch and onto my back on the floor.

"Jake, I'm trying to edit..." He told, still obviously annoyed as he went back to messing with the laptop he had rested on his legs.

"But I'm bored." I huffed childishly, looking up at him with my arms crossed over my chest. "Entertain me!" I demanded, sitting up strait. He passed me a death glare and groaned before he he flipped the laptop closed. I watched curiously as he set the device down on the couch beside him and stood up.

"fine! Let's go make cupcakes or something then..." He told as he threw his hands up and stomped into the kitchen. I bit down on my lip and rolled onto my stomach, trying not to laugh at how easy it was to tick him off. I put my hands on the ground and pushed myself up, standing to my feet as I began to trail behind him.

"What kind of cupcakes?" I asked, continuing to hold in my laughter.

"I don't know... vanilla I guess?" He said as he opened the pantry door. I watched as he took out a box of cake mix, cupcake liners, a muffin pan, and a plastic jar of strawberry frosting. "But after this I am finishing that video I qas editing..." he mumbled as he stomped over to the cabinets. I chuckled and rolled my eyes as I walked over and picked up the box of mixture.

"We need two eggs, 3/4ths cup of milk, a large bowl, and a whisk." I told him as I read off the instructions.

"Mkay..." He mumbled, still sounding pissed off. I sighed loudly, turning to face him as I set the box back down onto the counter.

"Why are you so mad?" I asked him as I saw he had a bowl and a spoon in his hand. He set the bowl, with the spoon inside, onto the counter and opened up the fridge.

"I'm not mad." He lied in the same upset tone. He pulled out the milk jug and placed it beside the bowl and spoon, pulling the egg carton out soon after.

"Dude... yeah you are!! You're a horrable lier!!" I said as I grabbed the bowl. I took the spoon out and set it onto the marble counter top, picking up the box. I used my thumb to poke a hole in the top before adding about half of the batter mixture.

"Nah..." he mumbled in response. He brought two eggs over to me after putting the rest back. He used the side of the bowl to crack them open. I rolled my eyes, cocking an eyebrow at him.

"Well... I know you're mad. What can I do to make you stop being mad...?" I asked as he did the same to the other egg.

"Hmm... I don't know." He said as he threw the egg shells away. I took the milk and twisted the cap off, pouring in the amout that looked right.

"Well, what if I do this...?" I leaned over and kissed the top of his head, giving off a cocky smirk. He hesitated a second before shaking his head.

"Nope! Not good enough." He said as he grabbed the spoon and began to whisk the batter together. I groaned loudly in annoyance, walking up beside him.

"Well what is good enough? I don't like seeing you mad!" I pointed out, taking the muffin pan in my hands. I grabbed the muffin liners and began to place them into the spots on the 'pan'.

"Nothing is ever good enough! Mwahaha!!!" He yelled with a smile as he kept his eyes on the bowl he was mixing. I snickered, playfully rolling my eyes as I put the extra liners back in the pantry.

"I love you." I randomly blurted out, not thinking much about it as I pushed the muffin pan over to him. I looked down at the younger male to see a bright smile on his face and a slight bit of blush littering his cheeks.

"I love you, too." He said, giving off a small and innocent sounding giggle. I snickered, taking my eyes off of him and down at the bowl. He had began to pour the batter from the bowl and into the liners, the smile staying on his face. As he did that, I turned to the stove and put it on 350°.

"So what's the video about?" I asked him, trying to start another conversation.

"Well, I played this game, which was a first person shooter, and I just make a few jokes and killed a few people." He told, bringing the muffin pan with the batter over to me.

"Hmm... sounds like you." I said with a smile as I took the pan from him. He gave off a small chuckle, allowing me to take the batter. I opened the stove and set the cupcakes inside the machine.

"Why thank you!! Also, wanna help me fix the frosting?" He asked with a childish smirk.

"Uh... sure!" I walked over to one of the cabinets. I pulled out a small ziplock bag and another spoon, hearing a 'pop' from the top coming off the icing. I used a pair of scissors to cut a small hole at the top before turning to the younger male.

"Hey, that's not for you; it's for the cupcakes!!" He scolded me as I used my finger to scoop some of the icing off the side of the can and shove it into my mouth.

"I can't help it!! It's delicious!!" I said with a snicker. I stuck my tongue out at him as the oven dinged, warning us the cupcakes were ready. He huffed playfully and shoved the frosting into my hands. I set the can on the island and grabbed the spoon. I used the spoon to scoop out the icing, scrapping the metal utensil on the side of the bag and putting the icing inside.

"Hey, Jake... I have a question." Albert muttered out, having taken the cupcakes from the oven. He brought them over and set them beside the jar of frosting.

"And what's that?" I asked, adding in the last spoonful of frosting. I picked the bag up and twisted the top, making sure it was sealed. I put the tip of the bag over the cupcakes as I began to frost them.

"So... if you wear a shirt backwards, does that mean everyone in the whole world is wearing the shirt except for you?!" I paused and looked up at him.

"What...?" I asked before I went back to applying frosting to the tiny cakes.

"You heard me!!" He told. He picked up one of the two cupcakes I finished and took a bite out of it.

"Hmm... we're good cooks!!" He told with a giggle. I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"Oh yeah, totally..." I sarcastically commented, kissing the top of his head.

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