Lockers (Part 2)

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This was a request made by @Anti-Social_Person .
Also, me too, dude. 💖
Also, I know Jayingee isn't Jake's last name, but I don't know his real last name so we'll have to live with this.


I looked out of the car window, almost gulping as I looked over at the large brick house. Sighing, I turned off the car and grabbed my phone, shoving it into my pants pocket. I opened the car door and climbed to my feet, nervously shutting the door after I got stared at the house for another long second.

After what happened between me and Jake last week at school, we'd caught ourselves 'fooling' around with each other numerous times. Weither it was just making out in the bathroom or giving one-another hickeys in the supply closet, both of us had been missing more class then we'd like to admit. So imagine my surprise when he somehow got my phone number and texted me to meet him at his house with an address.

I sighed once more, taking a deep breath before I walked up the long, rock-covered path that lead to an oak door, which I had to admit looked really good with the house. I knocked on the door, standing there awkwardly before a young women opened the door.

"H-Hi! I'm Albert. Is Jake home?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.

"Hi, I'm Malory. And yes; I'll go get him." She said after letting my inside. She turned and went to the stairs, calling for Jake. "He'll be right down." She ensured. "So are you the one he has been asking to spend the night?" My breath hitched for a moment. I didn't know he wanted me to spend the night... but I doubt my parents would care.

"Yes ma'am." I said, nodding my head slowly. She smiled gently at me.

"You're so respectful. I have to admit you're my favorite out of all his friends." She said. I was about to comment, but before I could I heard footsteps running down the stairs before my name was yelled. I looked over, smiling when I saw Jake.

"Hey, dude! Come up to my room~ me and a bunch of the guys are playing MineCraft!" He said. I looked over at Malory and said a quick 'thanks' before practically running to Jake's side, following him up the stairs. I had almost ran into the taller boy when stopped in-front of me and quickly turned to face me. He looked me up and down for a moment before pushing my hair behind my ear. "You look so cute..." he said, placing a hand on my cheek and gently pressing his lips to mine, the contact only lasting a second. I gave a small whine when he pulled away, loving his gentle embrace.

"Thanks..." I mumbled, looking to the side, flustered. I had on black skinny-jeans that were torn at the knees, along with a white T-shirt with a picture of a fire alarm and the caption 'Don't Beep At Me'. I also had on a red over-shirt covering my shoulders and my normal, puffy, hazel hair.

Jake smiled, pressing our lips back together and placing his other hand on my hip, pulling our bodies close, his right hand still on my cheek. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck, standing on my tippy-toes to make our actions easier.

After the shortest moment of my life, he hesitantly split the contact between our lips, a smirk on his face. "Wanna go play the PS now...?" He asked, taking his hands off my body and me doing the same. I thought for a moment before nodding in agreement.

"Let's go!" I agreed, taking Jake's hand into my own. He lead me over to a door, opening it to reveal the ideal teenage boys room. He had a large bed, a flatscreen tv, videogames littering the floor, a gaming chair- one for his desk that held two computers, and another on the floor in-front of his PS- a tank that held a large tarantula, and a bunch of sports equipment resting in one corner.

He lead me in, sitting me down in the chair in-front of his tv as he dragged the other one beside mine and sat down beside me. He grabbed a pair of headphones, putting them on his head and putting the mic close to his mouth as he handed me another pair to put on. "Hey, guys! Guess who's here!" Jake said, three other guys instantly beginning to list off names.

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