FootBall Game (Part 2)

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It's been about a week since I met Jake at that football game, and we've been texting back and forth ever since! I honestly feel like a teenage girl with a crush, but can you blame me?! It's the first time I've actually been happy since Lana left! I sighed, smiling as I read the message over and over again in my head; 'Let's meet at the arcade in 15 mins. Be there soon!'

I sighed happily, setting my phone down in the cup holder. That message was sent twenty minutes ago! But, I'm sure he's fine! He's probably just running a bit late. I had already gone inside and bought us tokens; now I'm just waiting on him.

It seemed as if I was looking at the door everytime a person walked into them, but after a few minutes or so of waiting, my eyes finally landed on him! As if it was our first date or something, I felt my heart began to beat against my chest. His poofy hair was perfectly cut along his face, his chocolate brown eyes illuminated by the pastel blue sweater he had on.

'Damn; imagine how good he'd look without that sweater...'

Almost as quick as that thought came to my head, I pushed it out of the way. "Hey, Al!" I looked up to see the lovable dweeb in front of me.

"Hey, Jake!! I already got our tokens!" I said with a loud laugh for literally no reason, blushing brightly and quickly looking away. I'm so fucking stupid!!


I gave a quiet moan as he shoved his warm lips against my icy neck. I was slowly walking backwards towards his bed as he kept a tight grip on my hips, one of his hands rested under my shirt, which was now wrinkled and messy from how rough he was being.

As if some force was making this happen, I felt his hands slid upwards towards my chest, him slowly taking my light red shirt off my body. He pushed me down onto the bed, his body looming over mine. "Fuck~ Jake...!" I moaned out as he began to suck on my sweet spot. I tangled one of my hands into his hair, tugging at it a slight bit. When I pulled hard enough to get his lips off my neck, I leaned my head to the side and aggressively smashed our lips together.

Heh, who knew one game of would you rather could lead to this?! I kept one hand in his soft hair, pushing my other hand into the back of his shirt. I knew kissing another man's boyfriend good, but, god, it felt so fucking right! I left my mouth slightly a gap as he split our lips and went back to abusing my neck. I slightly dug my nails into his back when he harshly bit down on my sweet spot, me letting off a small moan with my eyes softly shut. I couldn't help but to feel this was how things should be.

His warm lips against my cool skin felt right...

His hands on my hips, pressing me against walls and counters, felt right...

The thought of me and him just felt right!

I bit down on my lip when I felt him put one of his hands on my thigh, still sucking on my neck as he used his other hand to begin to mess with my pants buttons. I was about to say something to him, but before I could I felt Jake's body get ripped off of mine. I whimpered softly at the loss of his heated touch, my eyes widening when I saw Russo holding onto the back of Jake's shirt, his fist in the air inches away from the more fragile male... oh boy, was this gonna be 'interesting'.

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