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Jake's POV

I yawned of bordem, looking down at my watch. 3:46 A.M. I sighed deeply, leaning against the back of the couch, the sound of Albert's high pitched girl screams echoing through the silent house. It was fun living with him. He wasn't a vampire like me, but he stayed up late and slept all day; the perfect companion. I looked down as my stomach growled, me looking up at the roof with an aggravated look.

"Albert, I'm hungry!" I yelled, hearing him shriek before a loud thud was heard. I gave a confused looked before seeing him poke his head out of the door frame.

"Then go eat?" He told, a hint of confusion in his eyes.

"I can't... you ate the last red apple this morning." I snapped, a bit of harshness in my tone since I was getting hangry.

"Well sorry... I don't know what to tell you..." He mumbled, walking over and taking a seat beside me. I looked at him and gave a devious smirk.

"Well, I mean, I could..." I paused and looked up at him, his eyes widening as he noticed I was staring at his neck.

"No, Jake!" He told, bringing his hands up and clamping them over the side of his neck, me turning my attention back to his eyes. "You aren't doing that to me!" He told, his face a light red in embarrassment.

"Why not? I have no other option..." I told in a low tone, standing up and slowly walking over to him before swiftly pressing the younger males back against the wall, him letting out a small whimper.

"Jake, you're going to hurt me!" He whined, placing his hands on my chest in a failed attempt to push me away.

"I'm not going to hurt you... It's just like I am leaving a hickey..." I mumbled in his ear, slowly moving my lips down until they were hovering above the side of his neck.

"Jakey, last time you did this you hurt me..." Albert hesitantly mumbled, slowly letting his gaurd down and taking his hands off my chest.

"Well that was last time." I told before licking his sweet spot, looking up at him with innocent eyes. He bit down on his lip to suppress a moan as I started to suck on that area of his neck.

"B-But I am scared..." He admitted, letting an accidental moan escape his lips as he did so.

"It'll be fine." I told, staring at his neck. To my surprise, there was already a mark. The good thing about using him as a host for food is that his blood was always easy to circulate.

"What if it's not?" He asked, bringing a finger up and bitting down on it to avoid letting out any more mangled moans.

"Then we will worry about it later." I told before I harshly bit down on his sweet spot, sinking my long, sharp teeth into his skin. He let out a hurting, yet pleasuring, yelp.

"J-Just hurry up!" He barked, attempting to act mad but failing before letting out another soft moan. I rolled my eyes before pushing my teeth deeper into his neck. I made sure I had made two deep holes in him before I looked up into his eyes and flashed a smile.

"That didn't hurt too bad, now did it, baby?" He didn't respond, only cutting his eyes at me. "Oh, don't act like you didn't love it." I mumbled in his ear, licking the blood off his neck.

"Ah~ Jake!" He moaned out as I ran my tongue over his sweet spot. I ignored him, softly closing my eyes as I licked over the spot a few more times, getting all of the blood before pulling away.

"Mmn, you act like such a slut sometimes..." I mumbled into his ear. He let off a soft whimper and bit down on his lip, not responding as he kept his arms crossed over his chest.

"S-Shut up..." he simply responded, his face red from embarrassment. I snickered at him a little, ruffling his hair as I turned back to the living room with a smile.

"With that attitude, don't expect me to go so easy on you next time." I said as I flopped down on the couch.

"Next time?!" He squeaked out, me laughing at him in response.

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