Mc. Donalds

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Jake's POV

I yawned, clearly out of bordem, as Albert held the door open for me, Lana, and Lana's sister, Hannah. "Thanks, Al." Lana told, flashing him a bright smile. It's been about a month since Lana and Albert have broken up, and I have been with them ever since. It's super weird since they still share the same house. They say it is for 'financial reasons'. Then again they also said that they broke up because there was no spark anymore. Well I think that's bull crap. I know why they broke up; and it's mostly Albert's fault...

"Hi, what would you like to order to drink today?" A waiter asked as we walked to our seats. Lana took a seat beside Hannah where as Albert took the booth beside me.

"Can I have a Dr. Peper?" Lana asked.

"Oh, me to!" Hannah followed. I sighed, obviously bored. I only came here with them for one reason; to get my way with the cute boy beside me.

"I'll have what Jake's having." Albert said with a smile.

"I'll just take a Root Beer." I told, stretching my arms above my head.

"Mkay, so two Root Beers and two Dr. Peppers. Your drinks will be ready in a few." She told us, writing something down in a notebook before walking away.

"Hey, Al, you okay?" I heard Lana ask. I looked over to see him clenching his stomach softly.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine; my stomach just hurts." He told with a huff.

"Do you need to go home?" She followed. I gave him a look, putting a hand on his back and rubbing small circles. He bit down on his lip and nodded in response.

"J-Jake, can you drive me home?" He asked, pain and innocence lacing his voice.

"Um... sure?" I stood up, looking down at the younger male.

"Will you be okay?" Hannah asked him. He passed her a look before nodding.

"I'll be fine..." he told, looking up at me. I looked into his eyes, a little confused. There wasn't hurt or sickness; if anything there was need and want. I sighed, quickly brushing it off as we walked towards the door.

"So, uh... what hurts?" I asked, opening the door for him. He smiled at me before walking out and over to my silver FORD truck.

"My heart..." He mumbled, opening the door to the passengers seat and jumping into the vehicle.

"Your heart?" I repeated, confused as he slammed the door shut behind him. I softly closed my door, jumping when there was a click noise. I looked over to see the doors locked.

"Yeah, Jakey... my heart. And my chest." He mumbled, looking up into my chocolate brown eyes. He sighed deeply before he quickly looked away. "Can... c-can I be honest?" He asked in a quiet voice. I hesitated before nodding.

"You can always be honest with me, dude." He looked up and gave a faint smile before looking back down at his lap.

"Well... there is this person I have liked for a long time. I have had a huge crush on them for a year or two now, but I have always been too afraid to tell them. Mostly since me and Lana were together." He told, keeping his eyes focused on his hands. He was twirling his thumbs around eachother, his cheeks coated in a light pink blush.

"Well, tell that person how you feel. The worst thing they'll do is say no..." I mumbled back, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Well for me, if they say no, it'll break my heart. When I am around them, my heart starts pumping and it's hard to look away from them. I love their looks and their personality... everything is just so perfect about them!" He told with a huff. I smiled, laying my head in his fluffy, hazel, messy hair.

"It sounds like you love them a lot... just tell them that..." I told with a small smile. He sighed before nodding, laying his head on my shoulder.

"Hey, Jake... one more thing..." he told, nuzzling closer to me.

"Yeah, Al?" I asked in a warm voice, smiling faintly as I softly closed my eyes.

"I love you a lot..." he mumbled. I snapped my eyes open, my face turning a light red color.

"I-I'm the person you've like for a few years now?!" I asked, amazed. He giggled before nodding, looking up into my eyes.

"I said that they had a great personality, great looks, and that they were perfect... who else could I have meant...?"

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