Makayla and Jake's Sister (2)

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I was practically jumping with excitement, bouncing on my heels. I was looking around at all the rides and games, multicolored lights reflecting in my eyes and music filling in any emptiness of the area. "Hurry up, Jakey~!" I whined, twisting to face him.

"Give me a second, Al." He said with a laugh as he bought our tickets. I watched impatiently as he smiled at the girl working there and gave a quick 'thank you!' Before he pushed his wallet into his back pocket and trotted over to me. "Now what do you want, you impatient loser?" He asked me with a small laugh as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"I wanna play some games!" I said with a vibrant smile. I heard him give a snicker before playfully rolling his eyes at my childish personality.

"Okay, dork. Let's go." He said with a smile as he began to walk, pulling me along with him since he still had an arm rested around my hips. I gave a small, playful huff as I simply trotted beside him, looking around expectingly. "Which game do you wanna play?" He asked me, handing me a ticket.

"I, uh... hmm..." I looked around with deep thought before my eyes quickly found themselves staring at a baby blue bear. It was hanging from a stand where you had to throw three or more basket balls into a hulls hoop, which was about thirty feet away from the stand. "Jakey~ I want that one!" I almost begged him as I looked up into his bay brown eyes. He gave a small smile, giving a small sigh.

"Alright..." He said with a smirk as he grabbed my hand and walked over to the stand. "One game, please!" Jake said as he showed the guy our tickets.

"Well, Alright!" He handed Jakey four balls and told us the rules. Jake gave a determined look, and as he lifted his arms to toss the first ball I felt somebody hug my leg from behind. I gave a small whimper and twisted around, sighing and my eyes lighting up brightly when I saw Makayla and Veronica, Jake's sister!

"Albert!" Makayla squealed happy with a giggle. I smiled, a radiant smile on my face as I got on my knees and hugged the young child.

"Hey, Makayla!" I cheered as I ruffled her dark hair. She laughed and nuzzled closer to me as Veronica began to talk to Jake.

"Hey... guess what..." she whispered in my ear with a giggle. I smiled, moving closer to her so I could hear over the noise.

"Uncle Jake told me and mommy that I'd be able to steal your bedroom tonight while you and Uncle Jake are at a hotel." She said with the most excited voice she could manage. I bit my lip, kinda forgetting to talk to him about all of that. But, I guess either way we have a hotel room.

As I was about to speak I felt somebody tap my shoulder. I turned around, squealing and my eyes lighting up as I saw Jake holding the stuffed bear I wanted. "Oh my god, thank you, Jakey!" I yelled, grabbing it from him and holding it tightly in my arms, feeling him wrap his arms around me and pull me close.

"You're welcome." He purred. I smiled, blushing as he pecked me on the lips. I glanced over at Makayla and Veronica with a smirk, hiding my face behind my hoodie sleeves.

"Let's ride some rides!" Veronica said happily, Makayla giving a look to show she thought differently. I gave a small laugh at the young girls reaction, me snuggling into Jake's side.

"Yeah!" He yelled in agreement. I gave a small huff, looking up at him and tugging at his T-shirt. He paused and looked at me, giving a smirk as he glanced back at Makayla.

"Babe, why don't you and Makayla go and play some more games?" Jake offered me, handing me thirty dollars after he pulled out his wallet. I paused and gave a smirk, slowly nodding my head.

"Okay, Jakey!! I'll see you at the truck, later!" I rang happily. He smiled at me, kissing my forehead softly.

"Okay, baby. Love you!" He said as he turned and him and Veronica began to practically bolt in the direction of the rides. I couldn't help but to give a small giggle before I turned, Makayla gently taking my hand inside of hers.

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