The Big Day

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Albert's POV

My heart was pounding vigorously in my chest and a large smile was plastered on my face. "You ready? My man; finally getting his girl locked down!" My best friend, Jonah, asked me. I was staring into the mirror, my cheeks littered in blush.

"Y-Yeah..." I admitted, keeping my eyes on my reflection. My messy, curly hair was pushed behind my ear and my hazel eyes were lighten up with excitment. "Have you seen Lana yet?!" I asked frantically, turning to face him with a toothy grin.

"Hell, yeah! She looks beautiful; you're a really lucky man!" He told me with a bright smile.

"I know!" I said with a small laugh. I walked to the white curtains that separated me from the crowd sitting in the white chairs just feet away. I took in a deep breath as I poked my head from behind the curtain and looked around at the group of friends and family. I let out the breath of air I had and turned back to Jonah, looking more then just a little disappointed.

"What's wrong?" He quietly asked, quickly noticing how quickly my mood changed. I pulled my arms and up and hugged myself softly, chewing on the inside of my mouth.

"It's nothing, really. I'm just a little upset that Jake couldn't make it." I mumbled in response, slowly averting my eyes off of him and back over to the mirror.

"Come on, dude. This is your wedding day; don't be all upset!" Jonah told with a confident smile. I couldn't help but give a small and uncontrollable grin at how happy he waas suddenly acting.

"I guess you're right." I told, dropping my hands back to my side and standing up strait with a bright smile. It really would have been twice as amazing if Jake did make it out here, but he had other things to do and that was understandable.

"I'm always right; get used to it!" He said with a childish laugh. I took a in a large breath as my heart began to pump wildly in my chest. I quickly turned to face the curtain, the music beginning to play. "Come on, dude!!" He excitedly explained as he grabbed my arm and dragged me over to the curtain. I took in a deep breath as I put my hand in the velvet fabric, but before I could open it I felt another hand on my shoulder, which obviously wasn't Jonah's.

"Albert, wait..." I jerked my head around, looking up to see the familiar weirdo I've grown to know and love! I was about to jump up and hug him the second I reconized Jake's face, but before I could I noticed something was off? He was wearing baggy grey sweatpants and an oversized black t-shirt. His hair was messy; as if it hadn't been brushed in days. His chocolate brown eyes that normally light up like a tree on Christmas day were totally emotionless and dull.

"J-Jake?" I could tell my tone was confused and worried, but honestly I didn't know what to say. Where did he come from; why did he look so depressed; why was he here, he told me he had other plans?

"I, uh..." He paused and looked down at the ground, his frown showing vividly. "I'm sorry..." Jonah looked at me, giving off a confused look. I passed him the same look before glancing back at Jake.

"Um... for what?" I asked in a quiet tone.

"I'm gonna go tell the preacher you're not ready." Jonah told before turning and walking out of the curtain. Me and Jake sat in a icy silence for a good minute or two. The music died down quickly and the guests that came to watch the wedding went back to chatting with each other.

"J-Jake... why are you here? And why do you look so upset?" I asked, finally breaking the silence. He finally took his eyes off his shoeless feet and up at me.

"I know I'm so late; I know I'm so far off!" Jake groaned loudly, bringing his hands up ans covering his face. I cocked an eyebrow, tilting my head to the side.

"What...? W-what are you talking about?!" I asked, confused and worried for his health. He looked so depressed. What was going on?! Literally less then a week ago we were FaceTiming and he looked perfectly fine?! He was so upbeat and giddy... god, what happened to him...?

"You're getting married, Albert!!" He let out a pained chuckle, keeping his hands over his face, though it was obvious by the tone of his voice he was disheartened and on the verge of tears.

"Uh... I know. I told you I wanted to propose to Lana before I ever did, Jake. But... What's going on?" I said all of this in a quiet tone. Honestly, I was quite shocked. I've never seen Jake like this before?!

"For the past four years~" Jake paused in the middle of his sentence and groaned loudly, leaning his head back and throwing his hands back to his side. "I love you, Albert!!! I have for years now!!!" He whispered, though I could tell he wanted to yell those words at the top of his lungs.

"Wait, what...?" I couldn't have heard him right! There was no way I did hear him right! I'm going crazy.

"I said I love you!!! And I mean it!!! I kept all of my feelings inside because you had Lana and I had Ally but I left her!!! I can't stay with her and tell her I love her if it's not true!!! And it's not; I love you!!! ... I've always loved you..." I noticed that Jake had silent tears streaming down on his face. He turned, walking towards the front door.

"J-Jakey, you can't just come to my wedding and say all of this now?!" I said, a bit upset and worried.

"I know. That's why I'm leaving. I already have a plane ticket waiting on me. I just wanted you to know how I feel, even if it is too late." I wanted to say something. I wanted to tell him everything would be okay... but I wasn't sure if it would be. I looked back up and was about to call his name out, but I was interrupted with a slam of the front door.

And with that, he was gone...

"That's not how it happened?!" Jake yelled with a laugh as he kissed my temple. I giggled softly, rolling my eyes as I looked back at the two kids we were baby sitting.

"Well then how did Albert get the ring?" One of the little girls, who's name was Makayla, asked to us.

"Not like that!! The first time we ever met was a few years ago. I came to hang out with him and we went to the movies and to the beach, and things just simply escalated from there!! One night we went out to dinner and I took him for a picnic under the stars in the back yard, and I proposed. And THAT'S how he got that amazing ring on his finger!! That's also how I got mine." Jake said as he put an arm around my shoulders and pulled my close.

"Oh, shut it, baby! Why couldn't you just let me tell it my way?!" I asked with a playful huff.

"Bacause everyone will think you're Jeezabell if you go around telling people that!!" He said with a snicker, laying his chin on top of my head.

"What's a Jeezabell?" Connor, another kid we watch, asked. My eyes widened slightly as I looked up at Jake.

"Well, I, uh...~" He paused before bursting into laughter. "Ask your mom when we take you home!! Also, don't mention me or Albert's name!!" He said, both of us giggling like crazy.

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