Horror Movie

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Albert's POV

"Jake, Jake, Jake, Jake..." I paused, giving off a childish giggle. This was the first time in the last five years I've gotten to see him, and I didn't want to leave his side! Not even for five seconds!!

"Yes, Albert?" He asked. He was smirking, though he did sound a bit annoyed.

"Hi!!" I giggled again, which made he give off a warm laugh. I love his laugh!! I love a lot about him!! It's like when he's happy, everyone around him is happy!! I can't understand or explain how a person can have such a happy and cheerful mood all the time, and it amazed me. Hell, he amazed me!! From the things he says to the way he acts.

"Stop being a weirdo, you weirdo!" He called out before he went back to staring at his phone screen.

"Oh shut up..." I mumbled with a smile. "Can we talk about what you said earlier?" I asked, pushing his phone out of his lap and taking it's spot as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I looked down at him quick enough to see him blush and look off to the side.

"I though you said you wouldn't make a big deal out of it? And Lana will be home any minute now..." Jake mumbled in a slightly embarrassed tone as he slowly put his hands around my waist.

"I know, but I want attention! So, let's talk." I said, laying my head down on Jake's chest. I heard him give off a small sigh as he pulled me closer to him.

"Fine... but don't expect me to cooperate." He mumbled quietly in response.

"Oh, fine... so you said you love me for the first time! Did you mean it...?" I asked, kissing his cheek as I kept my legs wrapped around his waist.

"Mhm..." was all he replied, laying my head down on my shoulder.

"Well... say it again!" I pushed. Honestly hearing him say those words made my heart flutter and all I wanted was to hear him say it again! Hell, I wanted to hear him say it a thousand times over, but that'd be asking for a little much.

"I love you!!" He mumbled with a smirk.

"Yay!! You said it again!! Well, guess what!!" I giggled softly, glancing down at him.

"What?!" He asked, smiling when he heard me giggle.

"I love you, too!!" I purred out, kissing his temple.

"Yeah, I know! I mean, look at this face; who couldn't love me?!" I snickered at his comment as he pursed his lips.

"Oh, wow. Cocky much?!" I mumbled with another, rather innocent sounding, giggle.

"Only for you!" He leaned up, quickly pecking me on the lips.

"You're such a weirdo. But you're my weirdo..." I pointed out as I brought a hand up and ran it through my hair. Just as Jake opened his mouth to comment, I heard the door open from downstairs.

"Hey, Al!! I'm home. Also, I have a story to tell you!!" The silky tone was obviously Lana's voice echoing off the walls. My eyes widened as I scrambled to get off of Jake's lap, the sound of her wine-red high heels coming up the stairs. She reached the final step just as I had climbed off of Jake, me being on my back on the couch.

"I- uh... w-what's the story?!" I asked in a nervous tone. Now, this might look bad, but I swear it's not! Me and Lana actually split up a week and three days ago. As soon as Jake heard, he came down to visit me and make sure I would be okay. We had a bit of tequila, long story short... we kissed, touched a little; no need to go into details! But I knew that Lana would be hurt if she found out I moved on so easily, so me and Jakey decided it would be better is we waited until she had a boyfriend before I go out and just say, 'yo, Lana, less then a week after we broke up I turned gay. Anyways, have a good day!'

"So I was at the mall today and ran into Issac! He said that you and him need to become friends again. He's married now!" She squealed, pulling her hands to her chest to reveal seven of eight bags.

"Man, he didn't propose to the Jocelyn girl, did he?!" I asked with a slight smirk. She bit down on her lip before nodding with a giggle.

"Hell yeah, he did! And... she's pregnant!! It's a little girl; they're gonna name her Lexi!" She told, flashing me a giant smile before swiftly turning on her heels and happily walking down the hall. I waited until I heard her door close before I instantly turned back to Jake.

"Damn, babe... you're like a girl whimper'!" Jake said with a quiet laugh. I gave a toothy grin at his comment, quickly kissing his cheek.

"You know it!!" I stood up and threw my hands over my head in a stretch. "Now... horror or comedy?" I gave a small giggle at the confused glance he gave me. "What?! You can't expect me to go a whole week without going on me and my boyfriends first date... even if it is in my living room!!" I saw him smile and playfully roll his eyes.

"Whatever, you dork. Horror, I guess..." He told, giving me a slightly needy look. Oh gosh.

"Hey, now; just becuase I put on a movie doesn't mean you get a free sex session!" I snapped with a sly smirk as I grabbed the television remote and flipped off the lights.

"That's what you think!" He commented, and before I knew it my back was against the wall and his lips were roughly pressed against mine...

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