Icy (Part 3)

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I stared up into Tyler's truck and took in a rickety breath, my legs shaking violently underneath me, though I simply sniffled and stayed silent as Tyler shuffled around in his back pocket and glanced at me.

"Get in." He simply demanded and unlocked his car. I gave a hesitant look, obviously not knowing what to do. But after a long few seconds of thinking of all the bad things that could happen if I don't listen to him. I held a breath in the back of my throat and reached up, grabbing the handle before Jake's voice shattered my thought process in half.

"Tyler, stop!" Jacob yelled, basically running to my side. I gasped when he grabbed my waist and harshly pulled me away from the vehicle, confusion overwhelming my mind.

Tyler gave a low growl and looked up at Jake. Both of the boys had death glares against one another, me still being overwhelmed with confusion and nervousness. "Let him go, Jake. I won't do what you think I'm gonna do..." Ty told and cocked a brow, setting something down and opening the door of his truck before he climbed out and walked over to the opposite side of the vehicle, being about ten feet away from us.

"What do you think he's gonna do to me...?" I hesitantly asked, looking up at Jake. The male looked at me, staying silent as he simply pulled me closer and looked over at Tyler once more.

"Why can't you just let the situation go?!" Jake almost yelled. Our hair was being blown violently from the wind and the smell of fresh rain blowing in the wind, it being obvious it was about to storm.

"Boys? What's going on?" I heard a girl say. I looked over, seeing a women walking in our direction.

"Go away, mom..." Jake sternly asked. He was still holding me, and the only reason I didn't resist was because he was taking a lot of weight off my feet, which hurt more then I could've imagined.

"Tyler? I thought we told you to stay away from here?! And who's that?!" She asked, pointing at me.

"I said go away!" Jake yelled at her, Tyler taking the chance of Jake's distraction to grab my arm and aggressively yank me out of the other males grasp. In as fast as a second I felt his chest to my back, gasping loudly when I felt something cold and sharp touch my neck.

I quickly looked over at Jake, seeing he had a worried look on his face and I heard his mother gasp, too. "Mom, go the fuck inside!" Jake yelled. She simply nodded, though it was obvious that she only listed to him because she was going to get or do something.

"Damn, and to think you kissed this slut with that mouth..." Tyler told, causing me to whimper when I felt the blade get pushed deeper against my neck.

"Tyler, I swear on God, let him go!" Jake yelled, though the male didn't even flinch.

"Or what, hmm...? Take one step closer and I'll slit his throat!" Ty snapped at Jake, a new hatred gathered up inside of him.

Jake simply gave a deep growl, causing Tyler to smirk. "Aww, what's the matter." He taunted Jacob, me whimpering out in pain as Tyler pressed the blade down harder, almost breaking skin. Jake inatantly stopped taking his step and backed up, me almost crying as the boy lifted his weight on the metal knife.

"Tyler, stop!" Jake said, though this time it was more of a plea than anything else.

"Aww, is somebody jealous that his little toy is in somebodys elses arms...?" Tyler mumbled, giving a mistevous smirk.

"Tyler..." Jake mumbled, quickly noticing the boys look.

"I knew we should have dropped you when we had the chance. We should have kicked your ass away from us months ago!" Tyler snapped, catching Jake off guard. "You're turning into the faggot we bullied this bitch for being!" Ty looked down at me and, without warning, quickly brought his hand down and cut a deep slash into my upper arm.

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