The Opening Act

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Chapter 1: The Opening Act
(A.K.A, Another Sonic Fan Fiction ensures)
It was a stormy day in the hills of Mobius. Rain pattered, thunder rolled, and lighting flashed. Listening to all of this in her home was Amy Rose. She was bored out of her mind. Her TV was out and she couldn't go see any of her friends in one piece due to the storm. She sighed as she plopped on her couch. She began to think about her hero, who was also her love interest, Sonic the Hedgehog. He was well-known for his heroic efforts in saving the planet, mainly from the villainous Dr.Eggman. She had tried to win his heart over, but she just couldn't do it, as it would cause her to get in the way, get herself kidnapped, or even almost killed. However, she wouldn't give up, but she felt bad about all the times she screwed things up. She was knocked out of her thoughts when she heard a knock on her door.
"Who in the world could that be in this storm?" Amy asked as she went to answer it.

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