Too Good to be True

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Chapter 2: Too Good to be True
(A.K.A, Why is Sonic running in the rain?)
Amy opened the door, and her eyes lit up. The man of her dreams was standing in front of her.
"Sonic, what are you doing out in this storm?" Amy asked.
"I got caught up in the rain, and I was wondering if I could use your shower and wait it out here if you didn't mind." Sonic proposed.
"Sonic, of course you can freshen up here." Amy answered cheerfully.
"Thanks." Sonic hugged Amy, causing her to blush.
"I-it's not a problem." Amy answered as she let Sonic in. He headed upstairs to take a shower.
Amy sat down on the couch and tried to get herself together.
"Calm down, Amy, it's not that big of a deal and you know it." She told herself. She had Sonic here, alone, all to herself.
"No, Amy. You know better than that." Amy blushed as she shook her head at the thought. Then, an idea popped into her mind and she ran upstairs.
A few minutes later
Sonic emerged from the shower, all wet.
"Woo, that feels better." Sonic said. The blue blur dried himself off and stepped out of the bathroom.
"Hmm, I wonder if Amy's hungry?"
Sonic then froze in his tracks. He saw Amy in front of him, but something was different about her. She was wearing a purple t-shirt and green short shorts and she was bent over in the fridge, her backside pointing right at Sonic's eyes, causing the cobalt hedgehog to blush madly, all while Amy smirked as she had this planned. Sonic stumbled as he tried to escape, but he ran face first into a wall and fell.
"Hello, Sonic." Amy answered in a sexy tone.
"Uh, h-hey, A-Amy, what are you doing?" Sonic shuddered.
"Just looking in my fridge for some food. You must be getting hungry." Amy responded.
"Y-yeah, I was about to come down and ask you about that."
"So, did you enjoy the view?" Amy asked.
Sonic's eyes went wide.

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