A Battle for the Ages

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Chapter 16: A Battle for the Ages
(A.K.A. The chapter doesn't live up to its title)
This is my Christmas gift to all of you who read this story! Merry Christmas and thank you for taking time out of your life to read this!
Sonic and Eggman began to battle, with Eggman throwing some punches, but Sonic dodged them all.
"Come on, step it up!" Sonic teased.
"Where have I heard that before? No matter, I will still win!" Eggman upper-cutted Sonic, sending him flying backwards.
"N-not bad, Egghead." Sonic groaned, rubbing his chin. "But we're just getting started!"
Sonic boosted toward Eggman, which knocked the scientist into the wall.
"You've always been a worthy adversity, Sonic." Eggman said. "But this is it, and- Wait, Metal Sonic, didn't I tell you to go fight Shadow?"
"He did, and he lost." Shadow called out as he was freeing Amy.
"Show him no expense, Sonic." Amy cheered as she blew Sonic a kiss.
Sonic winked back as he began charging a Light Speed Attack. Eggman was charging his gauntlets with some sort of attack. The two then charged at each other.

A bright light engulfed the area.
Shadow stood in front of Amy.
So I guess Eggman is Thanos now?!

Cobalt RoseWhere stories live. Discover now