The Forgotten Potter

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¡¡¡most characters belong to jk rowling as well as the basic plot.  her amazing story inspired this fanfiction with my character braelyn.  I hope you enjoy.¡¡


I sat waiting in the ministers box at the quidditch world cup.  bulgaria versus ireland.  I loved quidditch,  but the world cup was to....whats the word for it....professional.   I liked the school quidditch games better.  they were more lighthearted and fun, but the world cup was all insane fans and tension.   I was here for my best friend, the seeker for the bulgarians, viktor krum.  he was as graceful as anything on a broom, gliding through the air, comfortable with dangerous moves.  but on the ground he was akward.  he was slightly duck footed and shy, but put on a tough exterior.

my name is braelyn, bry for short.  I currently sat cross legged in my seat.  there were five empty seats on either side of me.  I was told they would be filled, but I didnt know by whom.  I straghtened my fo fur vest.  it wasnt cold out, but I was used to colder weather so all my clothing was on the warmer side.  I also wore a red v neck 3/4 sleeved shirt and black leggings with brown knee high boots with a small 2 inch heel.  my 13 inch driftwood wand with twin pheonix feathers was snuggly inside my right boot.  I had emerald green eyes and waist length raven black hair that was tempermental.  I woke up with a rats nest that took forever to tame.

the stands were starting to fill up, but it would be a minute before my fellow occupants arrived.  the ministers box was very high up, in the perfect veiw of the upcoming game.  I was already here because I was with viktor in the dressing rooms until it was time for him to get ready.  the public story was that he is my brother, which he truly was just like a overprotective brother.  he would smash anyone who even looked at me wrong.  and being the only girl in durmstrang, a all boy school, a overprotective brother was necessary.

all of a sudden I was seeing red.  I wasnt mad, no, a family of firey red heads joined me in the box.  I shifted in my seat so five of them could get through.  among the red heads was a curly brown haired girl and a messy black haired boy with round glasses.  his hair poorly covered a lightning shaped scar on his forehead that matched the one I had behind my right ear.  it ment we had survived the death curse.  I dont know when he survived his, but headmaster igor told me I got mine when I was a year old.  he was always vague on the subject.  so was uncle dumbledore, when he visited.  neither of them were willing to answer my neverending questions.

"oh hello there!  I heard we were going to have a young foreign wizard with us.  my name is arthur weasley."  a middle aged man with thinning red hair said offering me his hand. 

being polite I stood and shook his hand firmly, as viktor taught me to do.  "bry krum"  I said with a smile.  Igor had my last name changed when I was young.  I dont remember what my true last name was.

"ah yes, I have heard about you.  the only female durmstrang student, fourth year, correct?"  he said.  he seemed like a good man.

"that is correct."  I said as we took our seats.  I sat between a red head twin boy who was older than me, and another older red head.  the second one looked over the age of schooling.  he had small burns and some scars so I assumed he worked with creatures.  maybe dragons?

"hi, im charlie weasley."  he said offering me a heartbreak smile.

"bry.  do you work with dragons?"  I asked being slightly bolder than usual.

charlie looked shocked.   "how did you know?"  he asked.

"I couldnt help but notice your burns."  I said gesturing to his hands with a slight blush on my cheeks.

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