Mind Games

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I spent the rest of stage two day with Charlie.  I gave him a tour of the ship before we ended up in my room.  We ended up on the couch in front of the fire.  I was sitting so I faced Charlie with my feet in his lap.  I had already changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a black t-shirt with paint splatters on it.

"so I guess I'm your treasure."  Charlie teased.

"shush!  Don't cheapen the moment."  I chastised.  Charlie laughed.

"so how have you been, honestly?"  Charlie asked.

"I don't know.  Stressed mostly.  I can't help feeling that myself and Harry being forced into this tournament is the prelude to something much worse, so I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop."  I sighed.

"you have dumbledore here to keep you safe, so I wouldn't worry to much.  Im sure he has thought of everything that could happen and taken precautions.  You and harry are two of the most important people to dumbledore.  He has spent your entire life keeping you safe."  Charlie pointed out.

"I guess so.  But dumbledore isnt perfect."  I said.  I couldn't shake the bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Just do your thing.  You have the tools to protect yourself if anything happens."  Charlie stated.

Suddenly my door flew open.  Vik stood in the doorway, glaring at charlie.

"Vik what are you doing?"  I demanded upset that he just busted into my room.

"Keep this door open.  Its inappropriate to have it shut when you have a boy in your room."  He ordered before leaving.

"Overprotective, isn't he."  Charlie stated.

"Very."  I agreed.


Tonight I was out with harry, ron, hermione, and a extremely tall extremely hairy man called hagrid. We were walking through the dark forbidden forest.

"So I remember, I remember when I first met you all.  Biggest bunch of misfits I've ever laid eyes on.  always reminded me of myself a little.  And here we are four years later."  Hagrid reminisced talking about the other three.  I started wandering off, following harry.  I didnt even notice we were wandering, I was focused on the burning behind my ear.

"We're still misfits."  Ron pointed out.  I rubbed at my burning scar.

"Maybe.  But we've all got each other, and bry of course.  Either harry or bry are bound to be the youngest triwizard tournament champion there's ever been!  Hooray!"  Hagrid cheered.  Hagrid, ron, and hermione started singing some song that I could only assume was the school song since it was about hogwarts.

I heard harry groan lowly as I spotted a black hat, like mr crouchs, on the ground.  Confused I picked it up, just as my scar flared a pain so bad I was sure my head had split open.

"Mr. Crouch?"  Harry asked ahead of me.  I stumbled over to him, slightly dizzy from the pain.  On the ground at the base of a tree was mr crouch.  Even in the dark I could see he was unnaturally pale.  His face was screwed up into a shocked look, forever frozen on his lifeless form, and my mind.

The others caught up to us seconds later.  We were both still staring at Mr crouch in complete shock.  Hermione let out a horrified gasp.

"Alright,  all the of ya out of here, now.  Harry, bry, im sure dumbledore will want to talk to you. Ron, hermione, go to your room.  Tell no one about this, Any of ya."  Ordered hagrid pushing all of us away from mr crouch. I turned my head unable to look away from the body until I was forced to.

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