the godfather

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There was no hint for the third task, so there was nothing to figure out.  Somehow not knowing made the whole thing that much more terrifying.  So instead of figuring out a clue I dived head first into my schoolwork.  In every subject I read chapters ahead, some books I even finished entirely. 

I spent a lot of time practicing spells as well.  Since this tournament was a magic tournament it was a safe bet that I would need magic in the last task.  I would at least like to make it long enough for someone to win.  I dont care who.  Just someone.

I took to wandering around the castle alot.  There was a open tower that was off the beaten path that I liked to sit in.  It had a beautiful view of the grounds, and the sunset from there was breathtaking.  I sat in there to think, when I was out of things to keep my mind busy.

I also spent some time with harry, ron, and hermione.  it was getting harder to think of leaving them at the end of the year.  They truly were my best friends.

"I live with aunt petunia, uncle vernon, and dudley.  Aunt petunua was moms sister.  They hate anything to do with magic.  Im not even allowed to say magic when im at home."  Harry explained when I asked him about his home life.

"ew."  I replied.

"Thats nothing.  Second year fred, george, and I went to get him in my dads flying car.  He hadnt replied to us all summer, and we were worried, ya know.  And these horrible muggles had metal bars on his window!  They locked him in his room!  We had to bust him out, and it was close too.  His-your uncle had him by the ankle and we were playing tug of war with harry as the rope."  Ron exclaimed his cheeks going slightly red.

"Holy crap!  Thats horrible!"  I gasped developing hatred for family I had never met.

"Eh, its not bad.  I am only there for a couple months during the summer.  And sometimes rons family invited me to stay for awhile,  so its bearable."  Harry shrugged.

I was thankful for my living situation.  I stayed in the castle unless I traveled with vik during quidditch season, which I usually did.  But if I did stay I stayed in the castle with only a few teachers.  It wasn't too terrible.  Boring at times,  but there was no curfew or dress code.

Over one summer I tweaked around with some spells and electronics so that I could have a tv and music and stuff like that.  I kept that a secret from everyone but vik, at igors request.  He didnt want muggle technology to distract from learning.  And he was worrued some families wouldnt want their children tainted with muggle technology.  But I didnt have those problems because I was very good at keeping up with my studies and I had no parents.


It was a couple weeks before had any news about the third challenge.  And all we got was a date.  A simple date to tell us when all this would be over.  It was a amazing and terrifying feeling all at once.  We still were not told we would need anything but our wands,  but it would be nice if they gave us some hint.  Something to let us know some sliver of what to expect.

We were allowed to go to hogsmead with the hogwarts students on certain days.  Hogsmead was close by and had everything from a school supplies shop to a sweets shop.  The sweets shop was the hotspot for all the students.  There was also some bars and little cute tea shops.  The coupkes seemed to like the tea shop.  From outside I could see it was covered in frilly doilies and pink stuff.  It was the romantic hotspot.

But harry, ron, hermione, and I were not going to any of these places.  We were headed out of the town to a small cave.  Apparently sirius sent harry a letter tell us to meet him there.  I was sort of nervous to meet him.

When we arrived I was suprised to find a large hippogriff to greet us as well as a black, scruffy looking dog.  Harry bowed to the hippogriff vefore moving in to pet it.  It looked like they were old friends.

I stifled a suprised yelp when I caught the dog turning intona man from the corner of my eye.  I hadnt expected it.  In place of the dog now stood a equally scruffy man with a frail frame and hollow cheeks.  He had longer dark hair and eyes that hinted at inner termoil.

"Thank you for coming.  I was worried you would change your mind."  He said giving me a smile that said he was way happier than he let show.

"Yeah, well, I figured why not.  This is a little more nerve wrecking and akward than I anticipated though."  I admitted.

"Yeah well unfortunately I cant stay long.  I wouldnt want to arouse suspicion if someone noticed your absence."  He replied.

We did spend about thirty minutes just talking.  Sirius told me everything about himself and squeezed as much about myself from me as humanly possible.

We got back into the small town just as the students were filling back to the school.  We joined the throng of students without anyone the wiser about our activities.

The rest of the evening I spent with the other three as hermione taught us some spells that may be useful in the third trial, even though we didnt know what it was yet.

The spells were general self defence spells and some spells to repell creatures. Most of them both harry and I alreasy knew, we just needed to perfect them.

Then harry taught me to cast a patronus charm.  This was more for fun than anything else since I am sure we werent going to encounter any dementors in the third task.  I was able to produce a full wolf patronus within my first five tries though, which was exciting.  Harrys was a stag.

"Dad was a animagus, like sirius.  He turned into a stag.  But it was a secret because they did it to themselves."  Harry explained as our patronus's sniffed each other out.

"Why would they do that?"  I wondered.

"Because lupin got himself attacked by a werewolf and now he changes every full moon."  Ron supplied, answering nothing.  In fact his explination left me with more questions.

"Sirius, your dad, peter, and lupin were all best friends here at hogwarts.  When the others found out about lupin, they made themselves animagus so they could turn with him on the full moon.  Your dad was a stag.  Peter is a rat, in more ways than one.  And sirius is a dog."  Hermione explained for me.

"That was nice of them.  I assume lupin took that potion to he was in control of himself on the full moin, right."  I assumed somehow glad they all had each other.

"Yeah.  But you know how sirius got jailed bacause he killed wormtail?  Yeah, well we all know he didnt.  Anyways, wormtail is peter.  And he was living as a rat for 12 years with my family!  Can you believe it!"  Ron chimed in.

"Wormtail is peter.  So...peter is wormtail.  One of our dads friends is working for the man that killed our parents....our family is messed up!"  I said working through my thoughts outloud.

The other three laughed in agreement.

♡♥suuuuper short chapter.   Im so so so so so sorry!  Forgive me!  Comment. Vote.

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