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Today is the first day of school.  Igor is having some kind of meeting for only 20 or so of the older students and me.  I have no idea what the meeting is about, but for some reason everyone thought I knew.  It was insane how many times I was asked what the meeting was going to be about.  I was extremely happy when we were finally sitting in the great room for the meeting.

I sat next to vik, my knees crossed.  Since we were excused from classes because of the meeting, I changed into street clothes.  I wore a white tank top under a black long sleeved sweater tunic with black sparkly leggings and black fur lined moccasins.   My wand was stuck through my hair, which was in a messy bun.  Professor igor stood in front of us looking as strict as ever, but I saw a sparkle of excitement in his eyes.

"I have good news for this school year.  I have chosen you 20 to attend the triwizard tournament,  hosted by professor dumbledore and the students at hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.  The other school is beauxbatons academy of magic.  Due to age restrictions no one under the age of 17 will be able to enter the tournament.   Im sure whoever gets chosen to represent durmstrang will do us justice and honor.  Now, your belongings are being packed as we speak.  We will be taking the ship, so lets get on it."  Professor igor said ignoring the excited mummers from some of my fellow students.

The ship is a strange, skeletal looking, and was similar to a 16th century Spanish galleon, possessing a quarterdeck and forecastle. It was square-rigged and had two masts.  one of the sails has a large depiction of an eagle, a dragon-like figurehead and all masts fly long red-yellow pennants.  It could both float on the water and move under it, for secrecy.  It wasnt my favorite mode of transportation, but it wasnt the worst way either.

I hung in the back of the group going to the ship.  The boys were all being rowdy and punching each other in excitement,  while I was just curious to why igor was taking me along.  The only reason I could think of is maybe I am supposed to be the mascot.  The friendly face of durmstrang, since we could be a little intimidating at times.

The interior of the ship was browns and reds with a few paintings I recognized from inside the school.  All of our rooms were on one floor.  I had the only room with a full bathroom, because I was the only girl.  I had a queen sized canopy bed with black curtains around it.  There was a desk in the corner for schoolwork and a love seat near the dark brick fireplace.  A intricate looking wardrobe against the wall, near the bathroom door.  I didnt look but u assumed my belongings were already inside it.  The only way I could tell I was on a ship is the window seat.  There was a circular window with a red cushioned seat.  Through the window I could see the school.

With a small sigh I opened the wardrobe and pulled out my trunk.  I hoisted it onto my bed and opened it.  Removing my clothes I hung what needed to be hung, and put the rest into the three drawers.  There was a new dress that looked to be exactly my size.  It was a dark red, floor length long sleeved dress with fur cuffs and a fur lined neckline.  A black belt hung from the waist and black fur also lined the bottom of the dress.  As for my schoolbooks, I put them on my desk along with the rest of my school supplies.  Those would be moved and used so much it would be a waste to organize them.  I put a few pictures of friends on the fireplace mantle, and my favorite picture of vik and I on my nightstand.  I hung up the poster of the Bulgarian national quidditch team on my wall, only to show support for vik.

Not knowing what else to do I stretched out on the couch and relaxed.  I couldnt believe we were going to hogwarts this year.  After all the talks the weasleys, harry, and hermione, and I have had I feel like I know the place somewhat.  Well at least I knew people there.  I was there once, but never left dumbledores office.  I was only there because I was young and still needed a babysitter when igor left on business.  I remember dubledores office was miles different than igors.  Igors was neat and organized with only a few personal belongings.  While dumbledores was cluttered and full of whimsical knickknacks and candy.  He had a Phoenix named fawkes, which donated his feathers for my wand core when I started school.  I loved that bird.  I once saw him burst into flames on one of his cycles and screamed.  I had a full blown, sobbing, panic attack that took dumbledore a good 30 minutes to calm me back down.

Ten minutes later I felt the gentle rock of the ship starting to move.  This, and stopping, was the only time you could feel the ship moving.  Sitting up I watched through my window as we sunk into the dark water.  After that I could see only a few feet out the window before it became pitch black.

Schooling was different on the ship.  Instead of professors and endless lectures, we were given a list of what chapters to read and the homework we had for the week.  This way we could get everything done at once, or spread it out however we liked.  And most importantly,  however it fit into our schedule.  I had a feeling I would like doing school this way.  I was never good at listening to lectures anyways.  I tended to tune out pretty quickly.

since it was still early i decided to start on my studies.  we were already behind because we were excused from our first day of classes.  i started with how muggles view us.  this week we were to read the first two chapters and do a 11 inch paper on the basics of dressing while in muggle cities.  easy enough.  if i can keep my mind on my work, i can have this subject done before bedtime.  then there is one subject down for this week. i had to do at least one subject a day or i would fall behind and my grades would suffer.

i curled up on my window seat and opened my book to the first chapter.  with a big sigh i settled in to read.  it was easy to keep focused in the quiet room.  the only sound that could be heard was the crackling of the fire, which had a calming effect on me.

It took me an hour to read the two chapters assigned.  They werent to terrible to read, since the first chapter is always the boring introductory crap.  The second chapter was where it got into proper clothing with muggles.  I laid my book out on my desk and unrolled a piece of parchment.  I started writing and the ideas kept coming.  Before I knew it I had over a foot of writing and a cramped hand.  But it was worth it.  This subject was officially done for the week.

Feeling satisfied I stood up and stretched.  It was still early in the evening hours so I wandered down the hall to viks room.  I didnt even knock.  He was sprawled out on his bed reading one of his textbooks.

"No, no, come right in."  Vik said sarcastically.

"Its your fault for leaving your door unlocked."  I shot back plopping on his loveseat.

"How many subjects you taking this year?"  He asked changing the subject.

"Seven."  I said simply with a shrug.

"Seven!  Holy-im taking five and I feel like im already drowning!"  He exclaimed sitting up.

"Pshhh!  Its gunna be easy.  I already got one subject done for the week."  I waved off.  Vik just shook his head.

Standing up I snatched his book from his bed and looked at the cover.  It was a leather bound dark blue cover with silver stars and dots.  The word astrology was written in curly gold lettering across the middle.

"I didnt know you had a interest in astrology."  I stated tossing the book back onto the bed.  It bounced once and settled.

"I needed courses and it sounded like the easiest."  He shrugged.  I snorted.  Suddenly my lightheartedness disappeared.

"You know that you will be chosen for the tournament.   No contest."  I stated looking at my feet.  I was worried about him.  This tri wizard tournament was dangerous.  Vik pulled me into his lap.

"Hey, ill be alright.  I can handle whatever they throw at me.  You worry too much, sis."  He soothed. Rubbing circles on my back.

I stayed there for a minute more, letting him soothe me, before I twisted in his lap.  I now sat in between his legs, leaning against him.  I slid his book in my lap and hoisted it up so we could both read it.

"So, lets get your astrology work done."  I sighed opening the book up.

We spent the next few hours reading about the basics of astrology and laughing at the pictures.  It was a fun way to do homework.  Makes it go by faster.  Then we started on his homework.

By the time we were done it was late.  My eyes were burning and felt like I had sand in them.  I laid back on viks bed while he put his school stuff away.  I didnt mean to fall asleep, but that was becoming sort of a habit.  I vaguely remember someone tugging off my shoes and pulling the blanket from under me.  Then I felt the pleasant weighty warmth of the blanket on top of me and soft preassure on my forehead before I drifted to deep sleep again.


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