challenge three

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I couldn't even begin to understand how I could feel such a range of emotions at one time.  I was happy and terrified.  Nervous and excited.  Worried and relieved, all at once.

But the most dominant feeling was confusion at the moment.  At mail time I received a package.  It was a small pink box with a red bow holding it closed.  The box came with instructions;

     For good luck.  Don't open until you re in the third challenge.   You will know when its time.

I wasn't sure what to make of it.  I turned the small box in my hands.   I was trying to find the harm in just doing what the letter requested.  If it was something bad, for instance,  something to help me cheat, I could just throw it aside.  Just because I take it with me doesn't mean I have to use whats inside.

I slipped it in my challenge uniform and finished my breakfast without a word.  I didnt feel like eating, because of my nerves, but I would need energy.  Harry was quiet as well, he picked as his food, but didnt eat much.  I didnt bug him.  I knew how he felt.

As everyone made their way to the arena I was shocked at what I saw.  There was a gigantic hedge maze as our next challenge.  There was no tents for us.  We stood on the ground as the audience watched us from above.  There was five openings for the victors to enter the maze in.

the crowd behind me was in a roar of excitement.  for a moment i thought of myself as one of the spectators.  the only thing to worry about if if vik was going to come out okay.  now it was like a entirely different life.  

my reality was full of worry and bad feelings.  the bad feeling ive had in the pit of my stomach all year was as intense as its ever been.  i chalked it up to being worried for vik, harry, and myself in this final task.

i had even become worried for cedric and fleur as well.  we may not have talked every day, but there is no way you could go through something like this tournament without forming a bond that will last a lifetime.  your competitors were the only ones who truly knew what it was like doing these tasks.  the amount of preparation and worry that led up to them.  then putting your plan into action as you looked death in the eyes.  they were the only ones who knew the struggle of sleeping and eating in the days just before the next task.  keeping up with your studies and trying not to get over stressed.  not snapping at your friends who tried to make you feel better, but only made it worse.  not bursting into tears in the middle of the day.  how much strength and courage it took not to run away when you stood waiting for the cannon to go off.  trying not to let panic make your mind go blank when you needed to remember your carefully thought out plan.

i looked to each of my competitors.  looked into their eyes and saw the fear they hid behind masks of bravery and determination.  i could see the slight tremor in fleurs hands, and how harry shuffled his feet in the dirt.

i stepped to fleur and wrapped my arms around her tightly.  there was no hesitation before she hugged back.  both of us sending silent strength to each other.  pulling away we gave each other a tight smile before i moved over to vik.  i had hugged my adopted brother at least once a day since the day we met.  but this one was different.  this one took place when we were both at our most vulnerable.  understanding me, vik passed me to harry as he pulled away.  this was the first time i can recall hugging my true flesh and blood brother.  during any other time it would have been slightly awkward, but not this time.  last but not least was cedric.  loyal to a fault, cedric.  the one, even now, who smiled all day, every day.  his hug lifted my feet off the ground slightly, making me giggle in a very cedric like fashion.  he could lighten any mood, and make anyone laugh when they needed to be cheered up.  he didnt even need to be asked, it was like second nature to him.  im not even sure if he knew he did it himself.

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