challenge one

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It was the day of the first stage of the tournament.   I felt like I was going to barf and pee myself all at once.  Terrified didnt begin to cover what I was feeling at this moment.  At the stadium entrance people were taking bets on who would get the highest score, who would get the lowest, who would get seriously hurt, and so fourth.  that didnt help my nerves any.

Harry was pacing the tent in his nerves while I stood to the side, focusing on keeping the contents of my stomach and bladder inside my body.  Hermione burst into the tent looking just as nervous as we were.

"Are you two okay?  Harry, the key is to concentrate.   After that you just have to..."  hermione started.

"Battle a dragon."  Harry finished.  Hermione hugged harry.  A bright flash catches our attention.

"Young love!  Ohh how...stirring.  if everything goes unfortunately today you might make the front page."  Rita seeker said in a emerald green get up.

"You have no buisness here.  This tent is for champions...and friends."  Vik said glaring at rita.

"No matter.  We've got what we wanted."  Rita chirped leaving.  I gave vik a grateful smile as dumbledore entered with mr crouch, igor, and madame maxine.  Igor put a arm around my shoulders, giving me unspoken encouragement.

"Good day champions.  Gather round please.  Now you've waited, you've wondered and at last tge moment has arrived.  The moment only the five of you can fully appreciate."  Dumbledore said pulling everyone around him.

He did a double take as he looked around the circle of six students.  "What are you doing here miss granger?"  He asked confused.

"Oh um...sorry, I'll just go."  Hermione muttered leaving quickly.

"Barty.  The bag."  Dumbkedore moved on.

"Champions, in a circle around me.  Miss delacour over here, miss krum, mr krum, and potter over here.  Right.  Miss delaco5, if you will...."  barty moved us around so me and fleur were first to choose from the brown cloth bag that squirmed in bartys hand.

Looking scared fleur slowly dipped a hand into the bag, flinching slightly before she pulled out a moving figurinee of a dragon, representing the dragon she would face in the arena.

"The welsh green.  Miss krum..."  barty said moving to me. 

I held my breath, praying.  For what I dont know.  Its not like I would pull out a kitten instead of a dragon.  I slowly put my hand into the bag.  The dragons inside were moving around and their claws poked at my hand as I scooped one out.  I pulled my hand out and opened my fist to reveal the peruvian vipertooth.  My stomach knotted.

"The peruvian vipertooth.  Mr krum you're next."  Barty moved on.

Vik didnt hesitate,  he pulled out his dragon quickly, like ripping off a band aid.

"The chinese fireball.  Oooooooh."  Barty hummed moving on to cedric.

Cedric went slower than vik, but faster than me at the same time.

"The swedish short snout.  Which leaves...."  barty left off.

"The horntail..."  harry whispered.  I felt my eyes widen.  He couldnt reveal that we all knew what this challenge was beforehand.

"Whats that boy?"  Barty snapped.

"Nothing."  Harry rushed pushing his hand in the bag for the last dragon.

"The Hungarian horntail.  These represent very real dragons, each of which has been given a golden egg to protect.  Your objective is simple, collect the egg.  This you must do, for each egg contains a clue without which you cannot hope to proceed to the next task.  Any questions?"  Barty explained.  There was a moment of silence as everyone made sure they had no questions.

"Very well.  Good luck champions.  Mr diggory the sound of the cannon..."  dumbledore started, but the cannon fires immediately,  making me jump.  The crowd cheers loudly as cedric leaves the tent.

I went back to my spot in the corner.  Dragons were only affected by magic when more than one wizard is performing the same spell on it, so that was out of the question for us champuons.  We were allowed to take our wand in, but thats it.  And my purple and black uniform for the tournament was not fireproof at all.  My plan would only succeed if my readings on dragons were correct.  If it was wrong, I was charred.

I was third to go.  My ears were ringing as my body moved to the tent flap on its own accord.  Just outside the tent I cast my disillusionment charm on myself, hoping beyond hope that my research on dragons not being able to see through charms was right.

As the ringing in my ears quieted I focused on my task.  The crowd was dead silent as I made my way over the rocky terrain towards the huge dragon.  The vipertooth was looking around, searching for me, just feet from the golden egg I needed.  I could hear the low rumble of a growl in its chest as its eyes searched for any movement.  One stumble, one scuffle, one sound at all and I was done for.  I moved very slowly, watching my footing and the dragon at the same time.  I hardly dared to breath I was trying to be so quiet.

Suddenly the vipertooth let loose a stream of flame, trying to draw me out.  I froze and watched in terror as the flame got closer to me.  I could feel the intense heat from the flame, but it stopped just a few feet from where I stood.  Almost crying with relief I started moving again, faster than before, ready to get this done.  Finally the egg was in my hands and I bolted away from the dragon, not worrying about being quiet anymore. 

It was a few seconds before the crowd caught on.  When they realized I had my egg they erupted in cheers.  I took my charm off and followed a guy in bright yellow to another tent.  The competitors that were already done were being treated in this tent for their scrapes and burns.  I was looked over, but I had no injuries.

I was left to sit on a bed while everyone else took their turns.  I felt the immense relief fill my body as I really realized that this stage was done.  I felt the adrenaline move to my hands, making them shake visibly.  I collapsed backwards onto the bed and felt a couple relieved tears fall from my eyes.  I never thought it would feel this good just to get one challenge out of the way.


There was a celebration on the ship after the challenge.   All my classmates were cheery, drinking liquor igor allowed for us and chatting happily with one another.  Vik was chatting and smiling right along with them, a little out of character for him, but in light of what he accomplished today, not surprising.   I on the other hand was sipping my drink alone on a couch ignoring everyone.  My golden egg sat next to me.  I was too tired mentally and physically to party.

At tge end of the challenges for everyone we found out the scores.  I had the second highest because of how quick I got my egg.  And apparently I got extra points because my dragon never saw me.  Apparently my want to get through the challenge alive turned out to be a good thing.

Suddenly the room was filled with a awful, earsplitting, screech.  It was like nails on a chalkboard, but twenty times worse.  I covered my ears, spilling the rest of my drink all over my lap.  Just as suddenly as it started, it stopped and I looked up for the source of the sound.

Vik was holding his egg tightly, his face screwed up in disgust and pain.  One hand tightly over the clasp on the top of the egg.

"What the holy hell was that?"  I asked loudly, my ears still ringing.

"That was our clue for the next challenge. "  vik breathed out.

"How the hell is that supposed to help us?"  I asked a little angry now.  Vik just shrugged.

♥♡short chapter, but the last chapter took so long I owed you guys more.  As always comment vote.  It really keeps me wanting to continue this story.

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