The Chosen Ones

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I slept in the next day, having stayed up late to do school work.  Today we didn't have any schedule,  so I planned on doing just that.  I still had 5 subjects to do this week.  We would eat our meals up at the castle, and we could visit the students as we wished.  i wasn't comfortable enough in the castle yet to wander around on my own.  maybe later when the hogwarts students were done with classes and wandering the halls themselves.

when i woke up i didn't even bother getting dressed before heading over to viks room with my transfiguration book.  i wore a pink tank top and a pair of pink polka dotted booty shorts, my hair a rats nest that would take at least 30 minutes to tame as much as i could.  vik didn't mind, he has seen me in much less and not blinked an eye.  we were unusually close siblings because of my situation.

"what class are you doing today?"  vik asked as i laid my book out on the floor in front of the fire.

"transfiguration.  its my worst class, so it takes the longest.  what about you?"  i asked flipping to the page i needed.

"defense.  and what do you mean your worst class?  you excel at everything."  vik sighed.

"Shhhh!  I do not.  I work my ass off to scrape by."  I scoffed.  Vik snorted, but didn't reply.  We settled into our work.

We didn't finish till almost dinner time.  I hadn't eaten all day, and my stomach had no trouble reminding me of this fact.  It grumbled and growled so loudly I was worried it would start a earthquake.  I was too hungry to even make small talk in the dining hall, I just stuffed food in my mouth by the handful.

After dinner the goblet was set up with some seating on the side for students who wished to watch.  I was going to go down with vik.  I wore a red strapless dress that was tight at the bodice and flowed at the bottom.  It ended mid thigh,  showing off much of my body.  I wore purple high heels that were 5 inches high and a purple cuff around my upper right arm.  I messed up my hair to give it the sexy 'just had sex' look that I loved.

I met vik just outside the great hall.  There was a commotion going on inside, but I ignored it.  We turned in sync and entered the hall, keeping our faces fierce and our eyes on the goblet.  From the corner of my eye I could see two bearded boys wrestling.   The room fell silent as they noticed us. 

I stopped just outside the age line dumbledore drew around the goblet.  It was to keep everyone under the age of seventeen from entering.  Vik put a slip of paper with his name on it into the flame.  The flame ate up the paper instantly.  I briefly wondered what the flame felt like.  Would it burn?  Amist my pondering I caught vik glance to the bleachers and smile.  Curious I followed his line of sight.  Hermione was sitting with a book open on her lap.  Her cheeks were bright red.  I wiggled my eyebrows at vik, who scowled at me as we left the room.

I decided to start another subject before dinner, to kill time.  I was nervous enough about the tri wizard selections without too much free time to dwell on it.  Vik and the other boys were out doing boy things, so it was quiet.

But all too soon it was time to head to the great hall for selections.  I went by myself, because the boys were still out.  The great hall was crowded with students, all chattering excitedly about the coming events. 

The room was set up with bleachers on each side and two dining tables in between them.  I found a spot on the bottom of one of the bleachers, closest to the goblet.  Crossing my legs I scanned the room for my classmates, finding vik and waving.  He smiled back at me.  The three headmasters and the hogwarts teachers came in a little later.

"Sit down please.  And now the moment you've all been waiting for, the champions selections!"  Dumbledore announced standing in front of the room, the goblet just behind him.

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