The Arrival

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We gathered for another meeting a hour before we were to arrive at hogwarts.  The boys were just as rowdy as ever, but I wasnt.  I was nervous.  I didnt know what was going to happen during the tournament,  but I knew it was going to be dangerous.

"We will be arriving shortly.  Now everyone knows how we are going to enter.  I expect a flawless execution.  Get your uniforms on."  Igor announced with his soul piercing eyes.

Being irrationally upset I stomped from the room before he dismissed us, slamming the door behind me.  I was projecting my nerves and I knew it, but I dont care.  Everyone knows vik is going to get chosen and its bull!  Its too dangerous for any wizard.

Still, I got dressed in the new red dress I found in my luggage.  I paired with it some black knee high boots with 3 inch heels.  They made a clack on the floor that I always felt was intimidating.  I curled the ends of my hair into ringlets and smeared red lipstick on for a finishing touch.  The fur neckline and long sleeves with fur cuffs didnt leave much room for accessories, but I tied a black ribbon around my neck, in a bow, and turned it so it was to the left side.

Sighing I looked at myself in the mirror before heading to viks room.  He was just putting on a long brown coat with light brown fur lining.  His dark brown hat sat on his bed.  He wore boots and a dark brown uniform.  The only thing that was different than the others uniforms was the coat and hat.  Plus the others would have staffs to use during the entrance.

"You look nice."  I said.

"Youre one to talk.  You look absolutely amazing."  He said kissing my cheek.  I smiled in thanks and straightened the collar of his coat.

"Come on, its time to go."  I said giving him his hat and dragging him from the room.

Igor was wearing a crisp white uniform.  I was glad I wasnt going to be the only one wearing a different color.  We all stood by the door in line.  Vik, igor, and I bringing up the rear.  No one said a word, gearing up for the big performance.   We were supposed to have intimidating faces, no smiles or eye contact.  Look straight ahead only.  I fiddled with the belt on my dress while I waited.  I didnt like to be the center of attention.

"Stop fiddling,  bry."  Igor ordered as the ship came to a stop.  I huffed and did as I was told.

The doors opened revealing a large castle.  We were floating on a lake nearby.  I could see a group of students by the main entrance.   Even from this distance I could see every one of their faces turned toward us.  My heart rate picked up as we started our march out.

Halfway to the castle the students were ushered inside.  I was thankful for just a few minutes longer without staring faces.  It was warmer here than I was used to, but the trees in the forest around the castle were turning a beautiful red or orange color.

I noticed a extremely large carriage with 6 huge horses pulling it.  I assumed it was from Beauxbatons academy.  A large hairy man was tending to the horses, so I assumed the girls were already inside. 

We waited just outside the entrance hall.  The Beauxbatons girls were first to go in.  Their headmistress was extremely tall, like two of me put together tall.  I wouldnt want to mess with her.  Igor greeted her as we arrived and it seemed like they had met before.  Which, now that I thought about it, it would make sense for the three headmasters to meet up before the tournament.

As soon as the girls went in igor had us all in our lines again.  I stood next to vik, my face set in stone and my eyes locked on the back of the boys head in front of me.  Soon enough the doors opened and we started in.  I tried my hardest not to blink everytime one of the boys staffs hit the floor.  In between their staffs hitting the floor I could hear my heels hitting the floor.  My hair and dress flowed with every step I took.

"Albus!"  Igor exclaimed.

"Igor." Dumbledore said embracing igor.

I followed vik to a table where a blonde boy greeted vik enthusiasticly.  He must have been a fan.  Looking around I saw harry, ron, and hermione.  I smiled and waved, they waved back, but didnt smile.

"Your attention please!  I would like to say a few words.  Eternal glory, that is what awaits the student who wins the tri wizard tournament.  But to do this that student must survive three tasks.  Three extremely dangerous tasks.  For this reason the ministry has seen fit to impose a new rule.  To explain all this we have the head of the department of international magic cooperation mister Bartimus Crouch."  Dumbledore said from the front of the room.

Thunder roared overhead, rain begins leaking through the roof and a handful of students let out screams.  A strange man stood in the doorway by the teachers table.  He points his wand to the ceiling and casts some magic.  The roof seals and the room quiets down again.  The man starts walking, or limping, into the room.  My eyes flicked over to Bartimus Crouch, a small man with dark balding hair.  He blinked a lot, which threw me off.  It made me wary of this man.

"After much deliberation the ministry has concluded that for their own safety no student under the age of seventeen shall be allowed to put forth their name for the tri wizard tournament.  This decision is final."  Mr crouch said blinking some more.

The room erupted a second time.  People yelled stuff and booed at mr crouch.  Well everyone but us and the beauxbatons girls.  We already knew this.  Apparently the hogwarts students didnt agree with this rule, even knowing how dangerous it is.  I guess the students of this school were okay with dying.

"Silence!"  Dumbledore yelled making me jump.  Vik stifiled a snort and took my hand.

Dumbledore waited till the room was quiet again before casting some magic over a box.  The box sort of melted, revealing a silver goblet with a blue flame inside.  It was a magnificent sight, I couldnt look away from the goblet.

"The goblet of fire.  Anyone wishing to submit themselves for the tournament merely write their name upon a piece of parchment and throw it in the flame before this hour on Thursday night.  Do not do so lightly, if choosen there's no turning back.  As from this moment the triwizard tournament has begun."  Dumbledore said with a flourish of his hand.

Suddenly the table in front of us was filled with empty plates.  In the center of the table, a buffet of food.  Chickens, puddings, breads, sides, everything imaginable.  Everyone started piling food on their plates.  My nerves were making my stomach queasy,  but I grabbed a chicken leg and some butter bread anyways.

As I let myself relax and joined in the conversation I started having fun.  The blonde boy from befores name was draco malfoy.  His houses name was slytherin.  There was also hufflepuff, ravenclaw, and gryffindor.  From the sound of it, he didnt really care for gryffindor much.  He called them worthless blood traitors and mudbloods.  I didnt care for the last term, but I kept my mouth shut, not wanting any conflict.

When I was done eating I went over to harry, hermione, and ron to say hello.  I felt every eye follow me as I walked.  I caught dumbledores eye, and he gave me a encouraging nod.  He had a small smile on his face.

"May I sit?"  I asked when I arrived.  All three of them just kind of stared at me for a minute.  Long enough to make it awkward.   And I could feel everyone within earshot listening as well.

"Um....sure."  hermione said scooting over to give me room.  I smiled and sat.

"So how are you guys doing?"  I asked trying to work through the awkwardness.

"Its been good.  The tournament kinda shocked me, but it will be an interesting year."  Harry said.

We talked as everyone else finished eating.  I even ate desert with them.  It was a good time.  I almost didnt want to leave, but the rest of my fellow students were heading back to the ship for the night.  And I had schoolwork to finish.  I still had 8 more inches to do on what I learned last year for defense class.  I couldnt fall behind this early in the year.  Ill at least wait till week 3.

♥♡im starting a new chapter right away.  I know my chapters have been short lately.  Now that the story is picking up I should have a easier time writing.  As always comment vote.  Love you all!!!!!!

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