Challenge Two

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When I finally figured out what the clue meet I felt truly silly.  It seemed so obvious when you think about the clue in a whole.

I still didn't know what they were taking from me, but I realized I would have to search for it in the lake.  Which means I would need some way to be able to breath under water for a hour without drowning.

My first thought was transfiguration, but I wasn't very practiced in transfiguring humans, let alone myself.  So my next thought was a potion.  I remember reading something in one of the previous tournament books that mentioned needing to breath in noxious fumes.  If I could find the recipe for that potion, I may be able to tweak it enough for use underwater.

So now I was sitting in the library surrounded by all the tournament books, because I didn't know which book it was in.  I saw flashes of Harry, Ron, and hermione wandering around the library.  I understood their panic, the challenge was two days away.  I hoped Harry had gotten the hint from cedric like I planned, but I was to panicked myself to ask.  I was too focused on the books around me.

It was past dark when I finally found the recipe with seconds to spare.  The librarian was marching over to my table to shoo me away.  I rushed from the library and to the students potion closet.  Looking at the recipe I grabbed some ingredients and started back to my room.

On my way I ran into dumbedore.  He wore dark blue robes that really brought out his eyes behind his half moon spectacles. 

"good evening bry.  How are you doing this fine evening?" dumbedore asked eyeing my armful of potion ingredients.

"as-this is for the next challenge." I explained realizing just how odd it looked to be carrying all this stuff so late at night.

"I figured as much.   You are cutting it a little close, aren't you?"  dumbledore pointed out.  He peered at me over his spectacles.

"well what's the fun if you are prepared."  I joked.

"it does lend a certain tension.  I wanted to ask you how you are doing with everything?"  he asked.   I knew he didn't mean the tournament.

"I am still getting used to it.  One day at a time, I guess."  I shrugged.

"understandable.  Well I'll let you get back to your night.   Good luck."  dumbledore said with a small smile.

As soon as I got to my room I got out my cauldron and started working.  I didn't have a lot of time, but I was confident I could do this.  Even if it took 100 tries.


The lake was transformed into a three story dock/stadium where all the students gathered to watch.  My heart hadn't stopped pounding since I woke up this morning.  There was so much unknown creatures that lived in this lake, creatures that could injure and kill me.

I clutched the small vile of my potion in my hand so hard my knuckles were white.  This potion would make my lungs able to leech oxygen out of water for anywhere from a hour to a hour and a half,  if I made it right.   I was about 98% confident in my potion, but I hoped I would be able to complete my challenge. 

I wore a black bathing suit with shorts over top.  My wand was strapped to my leg.  I was as ready as I'd ever be.

fred and george were taking bets on this chalange.  the same as before.  who would make it out first?  who would not make it out at all?  stuff like that.  i tried to tune them out as i walked to my place on the dock.  i was nervous enough without their bets getting into my head.

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