deep breath

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i stood in a ice cold shower, trying to calm myself down and wrap my head around everything.  harry potter was my brother.  my freaking brother.  all my life i have been lied to.  dumbledore claims it was to keep me safe, but there was something more.  there was some selfish reason they never told me when i got older.

i got out of the shower when i heard a faint knock on my door.  i didnt want any company, but i figured by now vik had been filled in on everything.  or maybe he knew the whole time too and was keeping it from me.  if the second one was true, i wouldnt even be mad.  i could never be mad at vik for too long.  and right now i needed my big brother.

i slipped back on my sweats, wanting their warm comfort.  It was like a security blanket.  I needed something familure and warm.  Something to prove that even though the world felt like it was crumbling around you, you could hold something you knew.  Something that was there when the world around you was as it should be.  A taste, a smell, a object, a person, a movie, a book, anything.

"So, what do I owe this visit?"  I asked as I opened the bathroom door.  I knew vik was in my room now because he stopped knocking.

"Professor karkaroff told me."  Vik stated simply.  I took a deep breath and let it whoosh from my mouth.

"I dont know what to do."  I whispered afraid I would be able to control my voice if I spoke any louder.

Vik pulled me into his chest, wrapping his arms securly around me.  I buried my face in his shoulder and gripped his shirt in my fists, feeling, for the moment, that the world wasnt on my shoulders.  It was amazing what a single hug could do, even if it was temporary.   Even a temporary relief can have a huge impact.

"It will be fine.  You have been through worse."  Vik soothed rubbing my back gently.

We spend the next 5 hours talking.  Vik talked me through my feelings when needed, but listened quietly when needed too.  We had two main subjects.  Me being a potter and the tournament.  In the end I decided that I would let things progress naturally with harry and that I would only do what I had to to survive in the tournament.  Nothing more, nothing less.

We ended up falling asleep on the couch.  Our legs tangled together, the fire crackling merrily in front of us.  We were warm, even without blankets, because of the fire and each others body warmth.

There was a few days of nothing but boring chatter about the tournament and schoolwork.  A welcome reprieve from all of the sudden, earth moving news I had recieved recently.  Somehow word got around about harry and I being siblings.  Whenever I left the ship I was faced with whispered conversations as I walked by and questions from those brave enough to talk to me.

I sat with harry, ron, and hermione, but I stayed very quiet.  It wasnt that it was unbearably awkward, no, I just didnt know what to say.  What do you say in a situation like this?

Ron and hermione took it upon themselves to fill me in on this voldemort wizard.  He had been after harry for years, so now that word was out that a second child escaped him, he would most likely be after me now.  Strangely,  I wasnt terrified by this thought.  Maybe it hadnt properly sunk in yet?  Or maybe I was just in plain denial.

I was practically dragged to the interview for the tri wizard tournament.  I knew that all the questions would be about harry and I, and I didnt think the wizard world needed to know every faucet of my life.

The interviewer was a woman by the name of rita seeker.  A impressivly gaudy dresser with bottle blonde hair and street corner red lipstick.  She wore a pruple skin tight dress with white feather linings and purple high heels.

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