The Burrow

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¡¡still not my story.  jk rowlings.  I just revamped it and added a character!!

we were woken up early the next morning, still tired.  I followed the weasleys in a daze to the portkeys.  there was a mass of people trying to use the portkeys all pushing to go first.  somehow mr weasley got us on the next ride.  the uncomfortable ride was blissfully short and I managed to land on my feet.

"alright.  bry keep up now."  mr weasley said shaking me a little as I swayed on my feet.  I grumbled and started forward.

the walk took forever.  it was a quiet until a tall house appeared.  it was on the shabbier side, but it had a homey feeling.  a plump red headed woman came running to meet us in hysterics.

"oh my boys!  I yelled at you before you left!  your all okay!  thank goodness!"  she cried hugging fred and george so hard their heads smacked together.  a newspaper fell from her hands as she hugged everyone.

she pulled me into a bone crushing hug, knocking the sleepyness right out of me.  I hugged her back akwardly, not wanting to hurt her feelings.  fred and george were sniggering behind her.  I glared at them.  suddenly she let go of me and held me at arms length.

"oh!  I dont know you."  she gasped finally realizing the group that left her was slightly larger than the one in front of her now.

"yeah.  Im bry krum.  its nice to meet you."  I said giving her a smile.

"molly, dear.  she was alone at the tournament so we brought her with us."  mr weasley said putting a arm around his wife.

"well that wont do.  its too dangerous.  come, we will send a owl to your family."  mrs weasley said pulling me into the house.

we sat at the kitchen table.  she shoved a peice of parchment and a quill in front of me mumbling about how dangerous the world is for a young wizard.  I wrote a note to igor, vik, and uncle dumbledore explaining where I was and that I was okay.  I didnt want them to worry for nothing.  vik tended to go overboard on the worrying.  last time he tore apart my room and ripped my door from its hinges looking for any hint on where I would be.  I was in detention.

harry, ron, and mrs weasley lent me their owls and I sent them on their way.  after I was done with that everyone sat down for some lunch.  it wasnt a quiet meal as the 10 people not including myself talked over one another to be heard.

"so how do you like going to durmstrang?"  hermione asked

"its okay.  same as any other school I expect."  I shrugged

"I heard they focus more on the dark arts."  ron put in from across from me.

"mmmm.  I guess we might.  I dont really have anything to compare it to though."  I replied

"I feel for you.  im the only girl here, besides mom, but she doesnt really count."  ginny said

"that doesnt really bother me too much.  it does get hard when your brother scares off anyone who likes you.  and when I feel like setting the school on fire."  I joked grimicing.

"now setting the school on fire I can relate too."  ron agreed.

"no, ron.  I dont think you understand.  she is referencing something only girls can relate to."  ginny whispered.  ron turned as red as his hair.  I giggled almost spitting out my drink.

"bry dear, after lunch feel free to wash up upstairs.  I can clean your clothes during your shower."  mrs weasley said waving her wand and getting all the dirty dishes out of the way.

"c'mon bry.  ill show you the bathroom."  ginny said ushering me up the stairs.

I was thankful to get out of my dirty clothing at last, handing them to ginny who stood just outside the door.  the warm water felt so good against my dirty skin.  I spent as long as possible in the shower before I could no longer stall and was forced to turn the water off.

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