~Chapter Two~

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The next few days went by soo fast. My classes were the same level of boring. I had made up my mind and decided to find a date for Cassandra and myself for prom. She said that that was the only way she would go so I'm determined. It was hard to find dates because everyone was either taken or was a player/slut. And we didn't need that. I was at lunch and our friends started to sit down with their lunch. Cassandra sat next to me and everyone say at their usual spots.

"Heyy is everyone ready for prom?"


"Eh? What do you mean eh Cassandra? Prom is one of our biggest moments of highschool!"

"No it's not, the biggest moment in highschool is graduation Paola"

"Okay yea but it's the biggest dance"

"There's also homecoming"

"Ay Dios what's going on with you, you party pooper!"

"What? I'm just not interested in prom. Is that a problem?"

"Okay jeez, sorry"

There was an awkward silence for a few minutes.

"Anyway! How has everyone's day been?" Asked Hector.

"Its been normal, the usual" I said.

"You good Lucas? You sound bien agüitado"

"I'm really tired, and I'm just kinda bummed out that I got rejected"

"Rejected?! By who?!" Paola exclaimed.

"This girl I asked out to prom... she flat out rejected me"

"Who was it?!"

"Okay I'll tell you who but you can't tell anyone cause this girl is known in the school"

"Suelta la sopa dude!" Said Jesus.

"Okay okay! It was... Candace.."

"Candace as in cheerleading Candace!?" Yelled Paola.

"Yes pero callate menza!"

"Wow! You had the guts to do that?! And what did she say?" Asked Hector.

"I made a poster and everything and I  saw her after her practice and waited under the bleachers. I put the poster on the ground and stood behind it with a small bouquet of roses and she passed by, and read the poster, laughed, and ripped the poster and just said 'no thanks'. I've never felt so pathetic"

"When the fuck was that?" Asked Cassandra.

"Two days ago"

"And you didn't tell me?"

"I just did, I told the whole table Cass"

"But I would have expected for you to tell me right after it happened, especially cause we walk home together, every day"

"Well it's not like I have to tell you everything"

"Since when did you start hiding things from me? You literally told me that you were taking a shit once"

"Since when did you start thinking you were entitled to know everything?!"

"We've been friends since we were kids and have told each other everything and you just don't tell me when you ask a girl to prom which is  appearently an important thing and especially when it's the the captain of the cheerleading squad and decide to tell the whole damn table two days afterwards without letting me help you first!?'

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