~Chapter Four~

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State was today. Girls volleyball was going, boys soccer, baseball, and softball. I was nervous as all hell but happy at the same time cause we got to skip last period, and I hated English class. The teams got called down and we all went to our designated locker rooms to change into our uniforms. I got my bags and shit and headed to the field house where we were waiting for the buses. The volleyball team was all ready and our coach soon got with us to explain what was gonna happen.

"Alright girls. State is today, and all I gotta tell ya is to try your hardest out there. We here have an amazing team and I know you girls will  be determined to bring a first place plaque back home. Got it?"

"Yes coach!"

"That's the spirit! Now, we only have a few buses, and since soccer and volleyball are the team's with the least equipment, soccer team and us will be riding on one bus alright?"

Everyone whined but I could care less. I could sit with Lucas so fine by me. We got on the bus and the guys were already on it so they were whistling at our team since well, we wear spandex; but I was smart and wore sweats on top. I found Lucas and sat next to him.

"Damnnn look at Lucas getting the ladies!!"

"Jacob shut up. She's my friend"

"What, friend with benefits?"

"At least I got a girl to sit next to me you moron"

He shut up and the other guys laughed. I laid my head on his shoulder and dozed off a bit. It was an hour drive so most people fell asleep. Lucas knocked out and was snoring. I saw Ricky sitting on the seat diagonal from us and he just winked at me. Fucking gross. I looked back at my phone and we finally got to the school. We all got off the bus and got our stuff.

"Alright, my boys will stay here and you girls go inside with your coach. Once the competition is over we will meet back here understand?"

"Yes sir" everyone said.

"Okay, good luck everyone!"

I hugged Lucas and wished him good luck and then ran inside. We got to the gym and warmed up with the girls.

"Hey Cass" said Bailey.


"Are you and Lucas dating?"

"No were just close friends, and not with benefits"

"Ah okay cause you guys would be a cute couple"

"Thanks I guess"

"No problem, now let's go, it's about to start!"

We heard the instructions and went to our designated area to hear the plan from coach.

"Alright girls, we have the same formation and spots as always except, in going to switch Cassandra and Lillian, so Cassandra you'll start with serving today. And remember girls, all I care is that you try your best and we bring that 1st place plaque back home. And I say it because I know you guys can do this. Now let's go. Family on three"

"Family on three! One two three family!!" We all yelled.

I put on my knee pads and put my hair up. At district we placed first so we were playing until later. The teams were good. I started to get nervous but coach put me as server first for a reason. I could do this.


We finished playing and won! 1-0. We were all hyped and waited for the awards. It was pretty nerve wrecking but Hector assured us that we were getting first place. I hope he was right.

"And the first place award, goes to, Jefferson High School!"

We all cheered and got up to accept our award. They lifted me up and started walking to our spot to pick up our bags.

"Guys I'm so proud of you!! Now that this is all over, you guys can go support the girls or wait outside. I'll be outside so the ones staying inside, don't do anything stupid. Great job guys!" Coach said.

I grabbed my bags and went to the gym to support Cassandra and Hector came along. The last game was going on and I saw Cassandra. She was going to serve and bounced the ball the on the floor a couple of times. The score keeper got the microphone to announce something.

"24 to 23, game point. Serving is Jefferson High School"

Cassandra scooted back and threw the ball up up and ran then jumped to hit the ball to send it flying over the net. The other team hit it back pretty high and a girl in front spiked it.

"Game! The win goes to Jefferson!" the announce said.

The girls all cheered and hugged in the court. Their coach ran to them and hugged them. They were definetly bringing another plaque home.

"And the 1st place award goes to... Jefferson High School!!"

"Woohooo!!" The girls yelled.

Cassandra saw me and ran to me with a big smile on her face. She jumped on me and hugged me. I held her by her waist and we laughed.

"We did it Lucas! We won state!!"

"I'm so happy for you!!"

"We have to go and celebrate later"

"For sure"

"Okay now put me down menzo"

I laughed and put her down. We headed to the bus many fell asleep. I felt Cassandra lay on my shoulder as she slept. We were sharing hee headphones so I just laid my head on hers and knocked out. I woke up and felt Cassandra slide out of the seat so I grabbed her waist and pulled her close so that she didn't fall.

"Oooh I see you Lucas.."

"Jacob shut the fuck up! No one asked for your opinion damn"

He laughed and we finally got to the school. Cassandra and I walked home and she came to my house. We went up to my room and I just laid on the floor.

"Dude, I'm in the mood for some Mario kart" I said.

"Same, you wanna go"


I turned on my Wii and put in the game. I handed her a control and we played a few rounds and I obviously won all of them.

"Ha! Suck my dick!"

"Ay cochino no the fuck"

"Not for real, it was a joke"

She laughed and her hair got on her face. I brushed it off and she just looked at me.

"I should head back home, mi mamá is gonna get worried"

"Yea, right... I'll see you tomorrow"


She left and soon saw her through my window. She opened her window and I opened mine.

"I forgot to say buenas noches!"

"Buenas noches Cassandra.."

I closed my window and my curtain and laid on my bed. What a hectic day. But for some reason I couldn't get Cass out of my head.. fuck.

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