~Chapter Twelve~

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|Cassandra's P.O.V|

One month into college. It went by fast, especially because I was also on the volleyball team. Lucas was still on the soccer team and that Noah guy kept trying to get me to go on a date with him which was getting kind of annoying. Classes were going alright and well, it wasn't too bad.
I got to the gym and saw some of the girls getting ready for practice. I got a text from Lucas and I instantly smiled.

 I set my bags down and took off my sweats and one went to go grab a ball and started practice

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I set my bags down and took off my sweats and one went to go grab a ball and started practice. Volleyball here was way different than at high school. It was way more competitive. We had our usual two hour practice and then I soon headed back to my dorm. I saw my roommate Kayla and her boyfriend on her bed talking and I just kinda, set my bags by my bed quietly.

"Hey Cass!"

"Hi Kayla, do y'all want a moment?"

"Oh, well... maybe? Heh.."

I nodded and went to Lucas' room to pass time. I knocked and saw Lucas' big smile as he let me in.

"What's up?"

"Oh it's just that my roomie has her boyfriend over so I wanted to give them some space"

"Ah so you came to your boyfriend's room"

"Lucas.. we're not dating"


I glared at him and he just laughed. He had his soccer stuff next to his bed and I tripped over it cause I'm a clumsy ass bitch, and fell on top of him.

"See? You're falling for me"

"Shut up!"

"I'm kidding! Totally kidding.. but anyway. When we going out for our date?"

"Whenever you want to"

"How about at 6:00pm?


"Hey Cass.."


At this point we were sitting next to each other on his bed, kinda awkwardly.

"I'm sorry for how I've been acting whenever you talk to Noah. I know you and me aren't dating but, I just, I'm kind of possessive so it's just an instinct. If you like him better than me it's fine.."

"I don't like him though, he's only my table partner in psychology, that's all; he's a classmate"

He gave me a big smile and kissed my cheek. Then looked at me straight in the eyes and kissed my lips. I sunk into the kiss, obviously, and put my hands around his neck as he put his hands on waist and pulled me closer. We then heard the doorknob turn and instantly separated, acting like nothing happened.

"So uh, how was your day" he asked.

We tried to make it look like we were having a normal conversation, and then Noah walked in. Great.

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