~Chapter Seven~

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|Cassandra's P.O.V|

I woke up and got my prom shit ready, which was surprisingly a lot of stuff. I heard my mom turning on the car and I ran to her.

"Mamá! Can you give me a ride to Paola's?"


"We're gonna get ready for prom over there. So please?"

She smiled and took me to Paola's house. I soon waved her goodbye and knocked on her door. Paola opened it and not gonna lie, I got a bit scared. Her makeup was only half done so she looked rough haha.

"Thank god you're here! I'm doing my own makeup but since I know you struggle with makeup up, my sister is gonna do your makeup"

"Bianca is here?"

"Yea, I made her come, I didn't give her an opt- AH FUCK"

"You good Pao??

"Yea I just poked my eyeball with my brush, that shit hurted"

We laughed and joked around while we got our makeup done and waited for the boys. Paola and me had not had a nice 'girl's day' in a long long time; so this felt nice and relaxing.
Bianca did a nice and simple copper eye and a nice nude lip cause I wasn't gonna go all crazy and shit. I loved the way it turned out.

 Soon enough Hector and Lucas showed up with their suits and the rest of their stuff

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Soon enough Hector and Lucas showed up with their suits and the rest of their stuff. Lucas came and sat in front of me while Bianca was finishing my makeup.

"Your eyes look really good Cass"

"These false eyelashes better not bother me the whole night, but thanks Lucas"

"Y'all almost done tho? Paola is like, barely halfway"

"Shut up Lucas! I want my makeup to look good okay"

"Yea yea, I'm gonna go get ready. Let's go Hector"

I laughed and soon went to go change as well. I had my hair done, makeup done, I was ready. I stared at myself in the mirror for a while. I had not put on a dress in a long time, it felt strange. Paola walked in cause she needed to get dressed as well.

"Wow. Cass you look gorgeous"

"Thanks Pao, it feels, different haha"

She smiled and put on her dress.

"Cass can you zip it up for me?"

"Are you fucking serious?"

"I'm not flexible whatsoever! So pleaseee"

I zipped it up for her and we went downstairs. Lucas and Hector were goofing around in Paola's living room playing video games. I walked to the kitchen alone and grabbed a water.


*turns around* "What Lucas?"

"You look beautiful, te vez hermosa.."

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