~Chapter Six~

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I froze in front of my door and checked my pocket. Fuck, I took Lucas' phone when he made me take care of it. I went back and went to his house to return it. Let's hope his family wasn't asleep. I checked in the flower pot to see if his spare key was there and it luckily was. I unlocked the door and went inside.

"Hey Lucas I brou-"

"You little cunt! I love your mom and you are getting in the way of things! You are just mad I'm not like your father! You are being an overprotective bitchy son!"

"Leave me the fuck alone!"

"Um... what the hell is going on here?" I asked.

"How did you get in mija? Lucas te dio llave?"

"No, I used the spare one señora.. but shouldn't you be helping your son?"

"I can't separate them mija.."

I walked to then and Lucas just looked at me with fear and tears on his eyes.

"Leave Cassandra! Please..."

"No! One because I came to drop off your phone and two, you are in danger!"

"Listen you little girl, please leave. We're in the middle of a conversation here"

"A conversation my ass! Leave him alone!"

Lucas' stepdad dropped Lucas to the ground and came walking towards me.

"What gives you the right to think you can just barge into my home like this and interrupt my conversations?!"

"I'm their neighbor and I'm Lucas' friend, so you have absolute no right to yell at me"

"Hey! Don't you dare touch her. She is like a daughter to me. You touch her or touch my son again I will gladly leave a pathway to the door so that you can leave Greg" said Lucas' mom.

She hugged me and Lucas tightly as she did that scary death stare at Greg. Lucas and I looked at each other in terror. His eyes were red form crying but still managed to smile. I gave him his phone and he put in his pocket.

"I'm going to bed. And attempt to cool off... goodnight darling.."

"Um mama.. can I not stay here? I don't want to be here tonight.."

"Of course amor, Cassandra is it alright if he stays with you?"

"Yea that's fine, and I'm sorry for interrupting.."

"Don't worry.. go get your clothes Lucas. Lock the door, goodnight"

We stood there as his mom walked upstairs. I just heard Lucas sniff and wipe away his eyes.

"Um.. I'm sorry you had to see that Cass"

"I'm sorry you had to be in it.. is your neck okay?"

"He didn't choke me, he put me up by shirt"

"But it must still hurt.. Let's just, just grab your clothes and we'll head to my place.."

"Yea.. hold up"

He ran up the stairs and went into his room and soon came with a bag and his backpack. He put on his shoes and we walked over to my house. My mom was on a date with her friends and I'm glad, she needed some fresh air. My siblings were sleeping over at their friend's house so I had the house to myself for some time. We went up to my room and sat there.

"I'm all sticky dude, can I take a quick shower here?"

"Yea sure. I think you have some pajamas here anyway, let me look for them real quick"

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