~Chapter Eight~

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  |Lucas' P.O.V|

I put my clothes for the festival in my backpack and turned on the car.

"Lucas, where are you going?

My fucking stepdad. Damn it.

"I'm going to my friend's house"

"Why don't you take your bike then"

"Cause I'm giving someone else a ride there"

"It's that girl that lives next door isn't it"

"How'd you know..?"

"Oh please Lucas, I was here when you guys came back from prom"

I suddenly felt heat rush to my cheeks. Did he see us kiss?

"Oh-h, you did!?"

"Yea, you're really in love with her huh"

"I mean, I guess. But I shouldn't even be talking to you about this"

"I was your age once too Lucas, she seems like a nice girl, ask her on a date sometime, grow a pair"

"Okay okay I get it. But anyway, I'll see you later, if my mom asks I'm at my friend's house got it?"

He nodded in a agreement and I took the car out and waited for Cass. She walked out with her hair flowing down and gave me a quick smile.


"Hola hermosa"

She blushed at my comment. She was so cute.

"So what's this festival thing?"

"It's a music festival and I was like, there's gonna be hella artists there so might as well go and celebrate our graduation together ya know"

We kept talking and I without thinking about it put my hand on her thigh.

"Lucas what are you doing" she said as she giggled.

"Oh my god I'm sorry I didn't mean that.. fuck"

"It's fine.."

The whole ride to Paola's was kinda awkward but nonetheless fun I suppose. We finally got to her house and she was adding hella gems to her face and shit.

"Pao what the fuck are you doing haha"

"Doing my makeup? The fuck does it look like Lucas"

"I'm just saying, cause like, it's just a festival"

"Exactly! People always do their makeup like this for festivals"

She went back to adding gems around her eyes and everything. She put in a swimsuit thing and tied a rope around each leg which lowkey seemed kinky but we ain't talking about that.

"Babe, takes those off"

"Hector. These took me a while, so shut up"

"You look better without them"

Hector went up to her and ripped off the small gems and her face was cleared.

"I hate you"

" Love you too"

"Aww que bonitos" yelled Cass from upstairs.

As Paola went up the stairs to her room she slapped Cassandra's head and told her to get ready. 

"I am ready what you mean?!"

"Put on some makeup or sum! You're really just gonna wear the dress I gave you and a plain face?" Paola said.

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