~Chapter Eleven~

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|Cassandra's P.O.V|

We had successfully completed our orientation week and we were packing for college. Hector had made it to USC, University of Southern Cali, and Paola had made it to University of Berkeley. Lucas and I took his car that his mom had bought him for graduation and we headed off to UCLA.

"Time to be freshmen again"


I took my phone out and received a text from Paola.

Paola💛: I just wanted to wish you the best of luck at UCLA, we'll see each other every once in a while, tell Lucas I say hi, I LOVE YOU GUYS!🤧

I smiled and responded back, she was gonna be five hours away from us, but she deserves it. I turned my phone off and sat back, looking at. the road.

"Que piensas?"


"What you thinking about Cass"

"Oh nothing, just, I guess the fact that we're off to college, away from home, about to start a new life"

"Well, whatever comes our way, we'll do it together, okay?"

I looked at him and he just gave me back a reassuring smile.
About an hour later we arrived at campus and parked. I took out my bags and and Lucas and I headed to our dorms. We dropped off his stuff at his dorm and then came with me and helped me with my stuff.

"Alright, we're set"

"I'm really hoping my roommate isn't a bitch, or just hoping for no roommate"

"Cass, you'll be fine. Don't think about it too much"

"Yea you're right, but hey you should go back to your dorm so that you can unpack no?"

"Nah, I wanna stay here with you hermosa"

He stood up and walked towards me making me back up into the wall. He smiled and put his hands on my waist. I just placed my hands on his chest and when I least expected it he was kissing me. He moved my arms up, around his neck and lifted me up, placing his hands on my thighs. We stayed like that for a bit until he soon lost balance and we stood there like idiots.

"Well, that was nice while it lasted" he laughed.

"You could say that"

We walked out of my dorm and went outside. There was a shit ton of people coming in and out. We walked around the campus and got some food until it got dark and we had to go back to our rooms. Lucas held me back before I went to my dorm and gave me a hug. He kissed my forehead and then let me go.

"So I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yes Lucas, good night"

"Good night beautiful"

I blushed and unlocked my door. Hm, no one seemed to be here yet. Maybe I didn't have a roomie?

|Lucas P.O.V|

I went back to my room and unlocked the door. I saw a guy sitting on one of the beds, on his phone, and he looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey man, you must be my roommate huh"

"Uh, I guess haha. I'm Lucas"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Noah"

"Are you freshmeat too or nah"

"Oh yea for sure, I got lost coming here"

"Damn I feel you. So where you coming from"

"Illinois, kinda far from home haha. You?"

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