~Chapter Fourteen~

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  |Lucas' P.O.V|

I looked to my right and Cass was passed out. There was so much traffic, we had been in the same stop for like thirty minutes. I checked my phone and felt Cass wake up.

"Hey sleeping beauty"

"Are we home yet?" she said as she rubbed her eyes.

"No, there's a lot of traffic"

"Ughhh, I'm just trying to get back to my bed"

"I know I know.. but hey, at least we're moving a bit"

"Yea I guess, shit's stupid tho, and I'm fucking hungry"

"I'm trying to get out at this exit so that we can eat something"

"Ight bet, also, Lucas..."


"You still smoking?"

"No, I stopped" I lied.

"Okay good, I just, don't want your health getting bad idiot"

"I know.. But um, let's get off and eat something"

  I felt so bad for lying but I didn't want her to get mad again, even tho I had my pen in my bag.
We entered In-N-Out and got in line to order. Cass stood in front of me, with her back on my chest and wrapped my arms around her. I let out a small chuckle and rested my head her shoulder. We soon got our food and sat down at a table.

"I still need to buy gifts, shit" Cass said.

"Yea me too, what do you want"

"No no, I don't need anything"

"Uh, I want to get you something, so you have no choice"

She rolled her eyes and took a sip out her drink. I took her hand in my and kissed it.

"I'm getting you something cause I love you okay?"

She smiled and continued to eat.

"Speaking of which, when you letting me make it official?"

"I mean, I don't know, whenever"

"Okay.. bet"

We soon left the place and headed back in the road to get home. After more traffic we were in our neighborhood and parked in front of my house. Cass took her bags and I helped her with some as we stopped in front of her door.

"Who is it?"

"It's me mom"

"Oh!! Cassandra! I missed you so much mija!"

Mrs. Reyes brought Cass in for a big hug and gave me one as well, I helped her with her bags and I went to my house and greeted my family.

"Is Lucas home? Lucas!!" My sister Noemí yelled.

She gave me a big hug that almost made me fall over and told me everything that had happened at school, it was her 1st semester of high school anyway.

"Mijo how was your 1st semester at UCLA?"

"It was good, we won a good amount of our games too"

"I'm so proud of you! Thank God you guys came to spend Christmas here"

I started to unpack my clothes and reorganize my room a bit. I looked out my window and saw Cass in only leggings and her bra, she was changing, oh fuck. I knocked on my window and she turned around, and quickly covered herself with a blanket.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2020 ⏰

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