~Chapter Nine~

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  |Lucas' P.O.V|

First day of work, again. I was excited to go again cause I liked my coworkers but the customers were sometimes so damn rude. I worked at Chick-fil-A and let me tell ya, that shit was rough. Not only were a lot of customers rude but there was guys who worked here who pissed me off SO much. Whenever Cassandra came, which was kinda often, they always hit on her and I got so jealous, like fuck. Today she was coming to give me my phone cause, my dumbass forgot it and I wasn't ready for all the guys to come rushing to the counter.
I was finishing up and order and soon saw her walk in looking for me. I finished my order and walked out from the counter to meet up with her by the door.

"Hey, um kinda busy today huh?"

"Yea, but that's nothing new" I rolled my eyes. I started to hear the guys.

"Is that Cassandra over there?"

"Hottie finally came in!"

Cassandra laughed when she saw me get all frustrated. I couldn't help it! They were annoying, too annoying.

"Aww is someone jealous?"

"Noo, why would I be jealous haha"

"Hey it's fine, but I have to go so here's your phone. Good luck with work"

"You're leaving this soon?"

"I can't hold you out here for so long Lucas, you'll get in trouble"

"Fineee, thanks though"

She smiled and looked over my shoulder for some fucking reason and put my hand on her waist.

"Uh, qué estás haciendo"

"Just so that they don't bother you anymore"

She put her hands on my shoulders and gave me a kiss. I smiled and went back to work. She was so spontaneous.

"Since when is she your girlfriend Lucas??"

"Since um, a few months ago"

"Bro why you gotta do us like that. You know damn well we were all trying to hit"

"Yea right, you barely met her like, last summer"

"Well yea but, she fine"

"Shut the fuck up"

He laughed and went back to the drive thru. I got a text and instantly smiled.

Casssss🥰: Did it work?

Me: I mean, for now yea lmao

Casssss🥰: Haha alright, you want me to pick you up later?

Me: Please do, I ain't tryna walk back home

Casssss🥰: Okay bet, see you later

I turned my phone off and went back to my spot. I just wanted this day to be over.


|Cassandra's P.O.V|

I got to Lucas' job and waited for him to come out. I soon saw his big smile as he got into the car.

"Hey" I said.

"Hola hermosa"

I smiled and we started heading home. He rested his hand on my thigh and I didn't know how to act. I tried my best to keep my composure and he just smirked, I hated him.

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