~Chapter Three~

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Prom was in less than a week and I didn't know how to act. Candace had been calling me baby and shit and I didn't like it. I definetly wasn't going to take her to to prom now cause she laughed in my face when I asked her to prom. Cassandra was focused on the volleyball team because they had state tomorrow afternoon. Let's just hope Jefferson High School wins some state medals. The soccer team had state tomorrow as well and I was really nervous. We were going against one of the best schools and I felt like we weren't that good yet. But oh well, it's worth a shot. I headed to the gym and waited for the team and coach. I saw Cass with her team and they were all huddled up and and then got to their spots and started to practice.

"Hey captain"

"Oh hi Ricky"

"Dude you can't tell me all of the volleyball girls look hot in those spandex, they just have the perfect asses and bodies, better than the cheerleaders I think"

"I don't really pay attention to that"

"To what? Asses? Lucas we are teenage boys! What do you mean you don't pay attention to that?!"

"I just don't, I'm not like you Ricky jeez"

"Especially Reyes, she's sexy as fuck"

"Reyes? As in Cassandra Reyes?"

"Yea. She has sexy ass curves and an ass. And long hair to pull her while doing doggyst-"

"Stop. She's my close friend it's fucking weird to hear that"

"Oh c'mon don't tell me that you haven't thought about fucking her once in a while"

"I haven't"

"Or are you guys friends with benefits"

"No! Just stop talking"

He laughed and took off his shirt to change into another shirt and all of the girls went crazy, except Cassandra, she rolled her eyes and continued to practice. I got a text from Hector saying we were going outside so I grabbed my bags and walked to the door. I passed by the volleyball nets and saw Cassandra serving. She had a strong hand, she was extremely talented.

"Oh Lucas!!!"

I turned around and saw Candace. Fuck. I walked faster and went outside. I got with the boys and we started practice. It was hot as fuck so by the time we ended practice we were all shirtless. I went to my bag and drank water and waited for Cassandra. She was taking forever and all of the volleyball girls had already left so I went inside to find her and I couldn't believe my eyes. Ricky, my teammate, a fuckboy, was chasing Cassandra around the gym shirtless and Cassandra looked terrified.

"Stop chasing me you freak!"

"Aww c'mon just let me steal one quick kiss babe!"

"Don't call me babe pendejo!"

I ran to her and stood between them with Cass behind me.

"What the fuck did you think you were doing Ricky!?"

"Look I was just playing around with her"

"Yea right. That's what you always say, you swear I haven't known you for years dumbass"

"The fuck you mean I just wanted to take her out on a date or sum"

"Ni tu te la crees Ricky, don't ever do that shit again"

"My bad my bad, I won't play around with your girlfriend again" *smirks*

"You son of a bitch"

I launched myself at him and started punching him. He kicked me off and punched my nose.

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