~Chapter Ten~

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  |Cassandra's P.O.V|

I woke up on Lucas' chest, on the couch. My eyes were puffy from crying. I stood up and went to go wash my face, then went upstairs to change. I soon saw Lucas entering my room from the corner of my eye.

"Good morning"

"Good morning"

"How you feeling?"

"A bit better, I'm going to visit my mom today"

"You want me to come with you?"

"You don't have to Lucas"

"I want to though.."

He walked closer to me rested his hands on my hips. I fixed the collar of his shirt and looked down.

"Let me go home really quick and change, and I'll come right back"

"I have extra t-shirt's here for you"

He went into my closet and picked out a shirt. He unbuttoned his dress shirt and was soon shirtless. I glanced over at him for a quick second and rapidly looked back at my phone. He smirked and put on the t-shirt. We went outside and I turned on my car. We started heading to the hospital and Lucas grabbed my hand. I looked at our hands and then up at him and smiled. He smiled back and went on his phone. We stopped at a red light and the car next to us was loud as fuck. I turned to see who it was and saw Ricky along with some other guys who were smoking.

"Cassandra! Hey!" he yelled.

I didn't bother answering and kept talking to Lucas.

"Hermosa! Don't ignore me"

"The hell you want"

"Nothin nothing, just wanted to see your beautiful face"

"Ricky leave her alone dammit" Lucas yelled.


"Cause, you're fucking annoying"

I turned to Lucas and laughed.

"Is someone jealous?"

"Me? Jealous? Noo"

I leaned in for a kiss and he accepted it. I saw Ricky with his eyes wide open and then kept driving. We soon arrived at the hospital and I went to the secretary desk. We went to my mom's room and closed the door.

"Hey mama, cómo estás?"

"I'm good mija, just my leg hurts"

"When are they letting you out?"

"I don't know, maybe later tonight or tomorrow morning. And you Lucas, cómo estás?"

"I'm good miss, just came to accompany Cassandra"

We talked with my mom for a few more minutes then left back to my house. My brothers were downstairs and Carla was sleeping so I almost had the house to myself. Lucas came up to my room and laid on my bed, acting like he owned the place.

  |Lucas' P.O.V|

Cassandra came up to me and stood there with her arms crossed.

"What?" I asked.

"Lazy ass"

I laughed and put her on top of me. I pulled her down and connected our lips. She slipped in her tongue and we were soon making out. I turned her over carefully so that I was on top and the kisses soon became rougher and rougher each time. I separated our lips and I went down to her neck trying to find her sweet spot. I left wet kisses all around her and heard her moan softly which lowkey turned me on. I took off my shirt and went back to kiss her again. I slipped my hand under her shirt and started feeling her up. I managed to take it off and I was getting more and more excited as the seconds passed by. She sat up and sat on my lap, not breaking the kiss. I put my hands on her ass and I felt her slowly start to grind on my dick which was not okay cause I was gonna get a boner and I knew damn well I was gonna get blue balls. She broke the kiss and we just sat there panting, looking into each other's eyes.

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