~Chapter Five~

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I changed into my pajamas and heard a knock on my door.

"Who is it?"

"Soy yo mija"


"Donde estabas?"

"En la escuela, luego me fui un rato con Lucas"

"Y como te fue en tu juego?"

"Ganamos, primer lugar del estado"

"Ay mija buen trabajo!!"

She gave me a hug and then left my room. I sat on my bed and got on my phone. I heard a knock from outside and looked out my window. Lucas was knocking on his and I opened mine.

"Hey Cass!"


"Tomorrow is senior ditch day and Hector and Paola texted me that we could go to the store tomorrow to get our tuxedos and your dresses for prom"

"Sure I don't mind"

"Cool! Okay good night!"

I smiled and closed my window and closed the curtain. I laid down on my bed and turned off the light.
I woke up to my phone buzzing. Ugh this damn alarm. I turned it off and got up. I went downstairs and made myself breakfast. My siblings were at school and my mom was working. House to myself. I finished eating, changed and took out the trash. I heard the doorbell and went to it.

"Who is it?"

"Soy yo menza!"

I laughed and opened the door to see Lucas holding a bag.

"Come in, but what do you have there?"

"I went to the tiendita and bought us some drinks. I got you horchata or as Paola says, 'rice water'"

"Haha thank you"

"Soo when are we going to the mall?"

"I mean I'm ready, so we could go now. Are we going to meet Paola and Hector there?"

"Yup! And my mamá let me borrow the car so let's gooo"

I grabbed my house key and my phone and locked the house. Lucas pulled his car out of the garage and I got in. We turned up our Mexican music and drank our horchatas. We had our windows down and were signing our hearts out.

"Adioooossss amorrrr, me voyyy, we aquii... Y esta vez para siempreee!"

We got to the mall and went to the tux store. Lucas tried on like 5 different suits, he was taking a while.

"Okay what about this one"

I looked up from my phone and stared at him. He was wearing navy blue pants, with a black undershirt, a navy blue jacket, and a navy blue bowtie with black dress shoes. He looked... so good. Like, hot good.

"Soo, what do you think?"

"I love it, get that one. It looks, perfect."

"Thanks, let me change and make sure it's rented for the right day and we'll head to get your dress.

We left the store and walked to Macy's.

"Lucas, weren't Paola and Hector coming?"

"Hector texted me while I was changing, he said they went to another mall"

"So just you and me! We should go to the food court after I get my dress"

"I'm down"

We got to Macy's and oh how nice, we saw none other than Candace. How great.

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