~Chapter Thirteen~

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|Cassandra's P.O.V|

"Hey Cass"

"Hi Lucas, you good?"

I was on facetime with Lucas and he looked absolutely drained.

"Well, not exactly.."

"Why, what's wrong"

"Stop hanging out with Noah"

I widened my eyes at his words. We had only hung out today, and only for like fifteen minutes. Was he that jealous?

"Are you really that jealous? We hung out for only fifteen minutes Lucas"

"I know, and I know I seem fucking selfish but, he's just trying to fuck"

"What? Where the fuck did you get that from?"

"After your psychology class, I saw him with his friends, and I over heard. One of his friends asked if he was trying to hit, and he said 'I would like to'. And, I just don't want you getting hurt"

Lucas seemed way too tired. Like, his eyes were kinda red and he was acting kinda slow.

"Hey Lucas, are you on something?"

"Did you completely ignore what I just said?"

"No, but answer my question first. Are you on something?"

"Well, I smoked a bit of weed earlier.. but that's all"

"Are you fucking with me right now?"


"You fucking smoked? Are you fucking serious?"

"I'm just high Cass it's not like I'm gonna die"

"We fucking promised each other we were never going to do that shit!"

"Okay I know but this kid from the team gave me a pen and I just took a few hits"

"But why..?"

"I wanted to fucking calm down and relax cause a guy is trying to get with the girl I love dammit!"

I widened my eyes and my eyes started tearing up.

"So you're going to do drugs cause you're jealous? I hung out with him for fifteen minutes Lucas. Fifteen!"

"And? He wants to just have sex with you!"

"And you're doing drugs.."

"Cass, look I'm sorry.."

"No it's fine... I'll call you later"

I hung up and laid back on my bed and just sighed. What had changed in the past few days? He was fine with it, and now he's smoking? Jesus Christ. I looked at my phone and had texts from Lucas, apologizing. But I didn't bother to answer them. It was barley 6:30pm, I changed into a random t-shirt and some jeans, put on my shoes, grabbed my bag and walked out. I needed fresh air. I went to the quad and got on my computer, and did some homework.

"Cassandra! Hey!"

I looked up and saw Noah with some of his friends, coming towards me, great.

"How are ya?"


He came and sat down in the bench next to me as his friends sat on a table a bit farther away.

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