Do you know your right from wrong?
The same way you know your left from right?
Do you know your voice carries weight?
So watch what you say.
And when you're going to be late,
Do you call or do you make me wait?
Did you see me crying quietly?
Or did you look away without counseling?
If I told you I was down,
Would you care?
Or would you tell me it's all in my head.
You noticed I stopped eating.
But you didn't speak up.
I guess it's not your business,
If I go and throw up.
Did you pay attention when I said that,
Death was awaiting?
Or were your ears tuned into a different conversation?
Your moral compass for me must've broke.
Or you're oblivious to my suffers.
Cause you won't check in to say,"What's wrong? Was it something I said? I'm sorry. I should've told you, 'I'm running a bit late. I'm sorry I made you wait.' I noticed you were crying. Oh honey, don't you know you're great? But you have to eat, don't throw it all away. And death? Yeah, he's coming when you're old, frail and lived up to date. Don't worry, I'm here, watching. Listen, you're not a mistake."
But your moral compass is broken.
You're never going to notice.
Oblivious to my sufferings.
A blind eye to my pain.
Oh well, too late.
By the time your eyes are open,
I'll be gone, ashes, dust, bones and pain.
Oblivious to my sufferings.
You left me in disdain.

PoetryPoetry, scenes and short stories written from the fingertips of a girl who doesn't know her own heart. She's filled each corner with love and light that she thought was pure just to watch it rot off and fill like a gaping dark hole. But these heartb...