35. "Freedom."

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The concept of "Free."
Brings so much joy into thee.
But it seems.
Isn't free.
"Freedom," comes with a price.
A price worth more than I can match.
So how can I be "Free?"
If "Freedom," isn't free?
I guess I'll have to walk around and watch everyone else whose more fortunate then me.
Be "Free."
They all seem to live a life worth meaning.
They're protected by their "Freedom."
But it seems.
I could never be "Free."
Not in the eyes of the "Law," or the people that it serves.
You all see my "Color."
My "Nationality."
What you see is my "Ancestors."

"House keepers."
"Child breeders."
"Lazy workers."

You guys will never see me.
It seems "Freedom," has a casting list.
Only picking up actresses,
That meet that criteria list:

"Fair skin."
"Light eyes."
"Blond hair."

Nothing that I am.
I guess,
"Freedom," will just have to skip me.
I guess,
The concept doesn't fit me.
But you see.
The majority of people that view "Freedom," like a right.
A "Birth right."


Seem to be forgetting.
We're all "Immigrants."
So what exactly are you saying?

         "Certain people can't be here   because they are illegal."

I guess we all seem to forget,
How we became,

                   "The Land Of The Free."

"Immigrants,"  Fled their land,
In search of refugee.
Those "Immigrants," sailed their boats,
In hopes of finding a land worthy.
By sailing from their homelands,
Sailing over seas.
And when they landed.
They claimed another mans land.
And began all the Killings.
The "Natives," land was seized.
"The Land Of The Free." 
Was created by "Immigrants," who changed their names to,

They began enslaving men.
And breaking apart families.
Selling them like cattle.
Did we forget?
How we robbed them of their "Liberties?"
And took away their homes?
Their families?

"American," "Immigrants," created,
"Land Of The Free."
"American," "Immigrants," created "Slavery."
"American," "Immigrants," created "Rape history."
"American," "Immigrants," created "Human industry."
"American," "Immigrants," enforced "Racism."
"American," "Immigrants," created the concept of being "Free."
Of "Freedom."
But never enforced "Freedom,"
All around thee.
Just to certain individuals that met their high quality.

Rich men.
The Fair Skinned.

They abolished "Slavery," and called us "Free men."
But still rob us of our lives,
Because they were scared of us.
They're still scared of us.
But call us "Rapist and Drug dealers,
and Lazy."
But call us "Free Men,"
Then lock us up on the daily.
But claim that,

   "Freedom," is earned when you're born here,
It's wrong and illegal if you board here."

So you ask me what is, "Freedom," to me?
It's a free fortune,
Only granted to the fortunate.
But for me,
For people like me.
Whose "Freedom," was never free.
It had to be earned times three.
I'll never be seen as "Free."
No matter how much I can give to those around me.
Is a lie.
A fairytale.
A dream.


Word count:494
Contest entry for: #JulyIsFree #WattpadPoetry2018

Poets Note:

Hey guys! I entered this contest for the month of July and the topic was. "What is Freedom to you?" This is my entry! This topic has always been a bit touchy for me. Not only am I a black minority but I am also an immigrant. What's going on in today's society with people like Donald Trump in charge is heart breaking. I see a repeat in history, strong references to Hitler's concentration camps. Taking kids away from their families is heart wrenching. My family came here for a better life and so many others did the same. But our Freedom was never guaranteed. Not in our homeland or in America.

Hope you guys like it!

- "She."

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