Dave and Liz leaned against the marble countertop drinking 30-year scotch and watching the party around them. Taylor was beside them, deep in a conversation with the drummer from Band of Horses. Liz fidgeted with the leather hem of her top before suddenly turning to face Dave. "Can I ask you something?" she blurted before she lost the courage.
Dave looked at her warily from the corner of his eye. "Yes?" he replied, unsure.
"At the Grammy's... Why were you so... so... broody?" she asked quickly.
He watched her for a second and sighed as he set his glass down. "Awards shows are an excellent reminder that rock is dying a slow and painful death," he said sourly.
Liz looked at him in confusion then glanced over her shoulder at the still raging party behind her. "Seems to me rock is alive and well."
Dave only shrugged and looked down at his shoes.
"I went to your show a few months ago and it was sold out. The shows before and after were sold out as well. You're always booked for festivals and arenas. Seems to me," Liz poked Dave's arm causing him to smile a little, "that things are chugging along just fine."
"This was the last year for a televised rock award," he admitted. "The only reason they aired it tonight was because you agreed to present it." Dave poked Liz back.
"Who fucking cares what gets aired? Do you do this for the airtime? Does fifteen-year-old Dave give a fuck what awards are aired on ABC? Is that why you first picked up a pair of sticks?"
He looked back up at her with a slight smile and pushed away from the counter. "Let's go outside for a bit," he suggested and brushed past Liz.
She stared at the space he had vacated for a moment, worried she had upset him, before following him towards the French doors where he waited for her.
"Can I ask you something?" he imitated her voice as she walked through the door he held for her. She stopped and turned to him, noticing his smile reached his eyes this time. "Do you really know the drum track to Holy Diver?" he asked.
Liz let out a little laugh. "I learned it for a final in college," she nodded.
"Where exactly have you been for the last twenty years?" he laughed and returned his arm to her shoulders.
"Mostly sitting in my bedroom listening to Foo Fighters," she teased, though she wasn't entirely joking.
"A little heads up would have been nice," he shot back as they crossed the lawn.
Liz was about to answer when she heard someone calling her name from the other side of the lawn. They turned together to see Nate jogging towards them.
"Hey," he said once he reached them. He was completely out of breath and his face was bright red.
"Hey, man," Dave replied, giving him a minute to catch his breath.
"Hey... Yeah... Travis says it's time to leave," Nate wheezed before leaning forward and resting his hands on his thighs.
"What time is it?" Liz asked looking around them for a clock.
"1:30," Nate said, still facing the grass.
"You all right, man?" Dave asked, watching Nate's breathing slow down.
"Yep. Just... need a minute," he replied.
"I'll walk you out," Dave said turning to Liz.
"Bye Nate! Don't die!" Liz said sweetly, letting Dave turn her back towards the house.
Nate just raised a hand in a weak wave.
"Name," the large security man at the front door demanded as Liz stood in front of him.
"Colbert," she replied.
"Phone, purse," the guard grunted, setting them on the table in front of him.
"Thank you," she said, grabbing her things and turning back to Dave.
"I'll walk you out to the bikes," he said quietly.
"I'm just now realizing that I've monopolized your entire evening when you should have been celebrating with your band," she said guiltily as they walked down the front steps.
Dave laughed a little. "I've been on tour with those fucking guys every day for the past eleven months. I'm fine with a little break."
"Still...," Liz said. She looked up to see Travis already on his bike, waiting for her on the street. "Well he's eager to get out of here," she remarked quietly.
"If I know Ashley – which I don't -," Dave insisted when Liz raised an eyebrow at him, "it's something to do with her."
He watched as Liz grabbed her helmet from the sidecar and toss her purse into the toolbox. She paused for a moment when she noticed Dave shifting his weight and looking incredibly uncomfortable. "Thank you," she said. "This would have been insufferable without you."
Dave looked down and kicked at the stamped concrete with his shoe, "The feeling is mutual."
"So maybe I'll see you around?" she asked, pulling on her helmet and fumbling with the chin strap.
He watched her struggle for a moment before stepping around the bike to her. "Here," he took the strap from her hands and quickly clipped it into place. His hands slid down her neck to rest on her shoulders and Liz felt herself stop breathing. She held his gaze for a moment when Travis tapped the horn on his bike, startling them both. Dave jumped back and let out the breath he was holding as he returned to the walkway steps. He suddenly realized he didn't have her number and started to reach for his phone before he remembered it was still with those two goons at the front door. Fuck. When he looked up again, Liz was already on her bike. She started the engine and let it idle for a moment before flashing him a bright smile.
"Thanks again!" she called over the noise and expertly backed the bike out of the driveway and into the street.
Dave watched as she flipped Travis off and opened up the engine, flying down the narrow street with her dark hair whipping frantically behind her. He stood in the sudden silence for a bit when he heard Taylor call his name. He didn't take his eyes off the hillside in front of him when his best friend appeared next to him.
"Disco! Hey, man. What uh... what do you do with the Uno cards?"
A slow grin spread across Dave's face as he turned to go back inside.

That Blue Gibson
FanfictionCONTINUED in That Blue Gibson: Another Round 📷 IG: thatbluegibson "I'm in love with you." "Don't... don't tell me that right now." "Why not? Right now is when you need to hear it the most." Dave took one look at her from across the green room and...