CH 33

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"Liz!" Sarah's voice rang out over the crowded bar as Dan ran through the kitchen doors with Liz on his back.

"Sarah?" Liz called back as she slid off of Dan and ran to embrace her friend.

"Are you okay?" Sarah asked, squeezing her tightly.

"I'm fine," she replied, forcing a smile, "As long as I don't talk about it."

Sarah nodded and released her, looking over her shoulder towards Dan. "He won't shut the fuck up about you," Liz grumbled, following Sarah's stare. She watched a blush creep up Sarah's face and nudged her with her elbow. "Let's get a beer," she took a step towards the bar but felt Sarah's hand on her arm.

"Maybe just water... for me..." she said nervously.

Liz gaped at her for a moment. If anyone loved beer more than Liz, it was Sarah. She was her unofficial beer tester in the brewery. "Wait..." Liz blinked and gasped when the realization hit her, "Seriously?"

Sarah pulled her closer and whispered in her ear, "I'm just way too scared to confirm it, you know?"

"Oh my god, Sarah," Liz was practically bouncing with happiness. She took her by the arm and hurried her across the bar, ignoring a confused Dan as they passed him at the register. They rushed through the kitchen and into her tiny office at the back of the building with Liz slamming the door shut behind them. Sarah leaned against the door while Liz dug through her desk. "How do you feel?" Liz asked, distracted.

"Like hot garbage," Sarah admitted before looking down at her chest, "and these fucking hurt so bad!"

Liz found what she was looking for and shoved the wooden desk drawer shut. "Not that you need to take this because you obviously are, but here." She handed Sarah a pregnancy test that she had put away from when she was trying to get pregnant with Owen.

"This is expired," Sarah eyed the wrapper suspiciously.

"Doesn't matter, go pee on it."


Liz stared down at the pregnancy test on her desk while Sarah paced the kitchen floor just outside the office.

"How much longer?" Sarah whined.

Liz grinned, watching the first pink line appear and anxiously watching the other side of the screen for the second confirmation line. "Well we know the test works, we just need a couple more seconds to see if you're knocked up."

Sarah let out a long, shaky breath and leaned against the doorway.

"I'm throwing you a fucking huge baby shower. You know that, right?" Liz leaned back in her chair to look at her.

"Can we just get through this part first?" Sarah laughed, then turned quickly when something caught her eye. "Hey Krist!" she called out.

Liz heard him reply and figured Dan had brought him back to grab another keg but was surprised when he appeared in her office doorway. She quickly grabbed the pregnancy test off the desk and held it at her side, out of view.

"Hey Slenderman, what's up?" she teased as Krist set a beer on her desk.

"Dan told me to bring you this," he said, not meeting her eyes.

Liz felt her stomach flip when she recognized the nervous smile on his face. "Thank... you?" she felt herself bracing for the unknown and looked to Sarah who was frozen in the doorway with wide eyes.

"Sarah, could you come help me with the... thing?" Krist asked, looking over at her.

"Yup!" she chirped, "Yup, that would be... yes. Let's go," she gave Liz a worried glance before following Krist back to the bar.

Liz set the test back on the desk and sat in silence for a long moment, trying to figure out what the hell that was all about. She stared out through the open office door and into the empty kitchen just as Dave walked into view.

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