Liz shoved the down duvet away from her face, feeling incredibly warm. She slowly opened her eyes and allowed them to focus. The sky outside her window was just beginning to turn a steel blue, indicating dawn was on its way and she checked the clock on her nightstand, the red numbers announcing it was only 4:32 am. She shifted her weight to roll over, quickly realizing her upper body was trapped under an arm. Last night's events rushed back into her mind and she turned her head just enough to see where she was. At some point in the last two hours, Dave had pulled her across the entire width of the bed towards him without waking her. She was firmly in his arms and she briefly wondered how someone could have a grip like this while they were asleep. Her legs were tangled with his and her back was pressed against his chest so tightly she could feel his rhythmic breathing. When Liz thought she might die of heat stroke between Dave's body heat and the thick blanket above them, she carefully began unwinding herself from him. Starting by sliding downwards and out of his arms, she freed her legs from the sheets and moved towards the edge of the bed. When she looked back to ensure she hadn't disturbed him, she realized her ankle was still caught in the flat sheet and fell to the floor with a thud. Wincing at the noise, she peeked up over the mattress. Dave was still sound asleep, though he momentarily knit his brows together. She let out a relieved sigh before tiptoeing to the bathroom and grabbing a glass of cold water. She fanned herself while finishing it and hurried back to the bed. Lying back down this time back on her own side, she faced Dave and tried to fall back asleep but her mind was all over the place. She didn't know what any of this meant and she didn't know where any of this was headed, but she definitely knew she was over thinking it. She opened her eyes and looked at Dave for a moment.
"Fuck it," she whispered and quietly slid across the bed and back into his arms.
Even in the depths of sleep, he pulled her to him and she felt his beard and then his lips brush her forehead before relaxing back into his pillow. She realized too late that she was facing him, so she nestled her head under his chin and slipped her arm around his waist. Listening to his heart beat softly in his chest, Liz fell back asleep.
Led Zeppelin's Over the Hills and Far Away softly played through the quiet hotel room, followed by a faint buzzing noise. Liz could hear the ringtone, but couldn't bring herself to wake up fully and answer it. The intro repeated a couple of times before finally silencing. A few seconds later, the song started again.
"Liz, answer your fucking phone," Dave groaned in her ear.
Liz's eyes flew open. She could see the sky outside the window was now a vivid blue and the room was bathed in light. The clock on her nightstand blinked 7:28 as her phone vibrated across the table in front of it. She wondered how she ended up rolling back over before reaching across the bed to grab her phone. 'Wind Chime' scrolled across the screen as Liz tapped the mute button.
"Not today, Satan," she mumbled, slamming the phone face down on the empty pillow next to her.
Dave started to pull her back towards him when the phone rang again.
"Fucking hell," Liz whined before sliding the screen to answer it. "What? What could be so fucking important that you have to hit redial like that?" she growled into the phone.
"Coffee," Johnny said simply, unaffected by her harsh greeting. Liz could hear a car's radio in the background and knew he was on his way.
"I have coffee here," she muttered, feeling Dave's arm leave her waist.
"You hate Starbucks," he replied.
"I also hate being woken up and yet here we are," she gasped a little when Dave brushed his lips against her neck.

That Blue Gibson
FanfictionCONTINUED in That Blue Gibson: Another Round 📷 IG: thatbluegibson "I'm in love with you." "Don't... don't tell me that right now." "Why not? Right now is when you need to hear it the most." Dave took one look at her from across the green room and...