"Fuuuuuuck, T," Dave slurred and stumbled out of the town car behind Rami, holding the statue the band had won that night at yet another asinine award show. "She's gonna be so pissed."
"Nah, man. What do you wanna bet they're in there right now, just as wasted on wine and nail polish fumes?" Taylor replied as they waited for the iron gate to slide open. "Rami? You okay over there, buddy?"
Rami stood a few feet away, rocking a little on the balls of his feet and staring blankly at the opening gates. "I'm going to ask Josephine to marry me," he said suddenly.
Dave and Taylor stared at each other for a beat, then both turned to their bandmate. "Tonight might not be the best-"
"I know she's fucking crazy, but I love her." The gate clanged to a stop and he marched up the driveway, making Dave and Taylor jog to keep up.
"Dude! Think about what you're-!" Taylor was interrupted by the front door opening and a shrill screech as Josie flew down the front steps and into Rami's arms. "... doing."
They collapsed into the lawn in a ball of tangled limbs and tongues while Dave and Taylor gingerly stepped over them to get inside.
The house smelled like freshly baked cookies and The Shirelle's were blasting from the kitchen, the exact thing Dave never knew he wanted to come home to after drinking all night with friends. He staggered into the kitchen and found that every available flat surface was covered in some sort of baked good while Ally leaned against the sink in just a pair of shorts and her bra, using a plate as a fan.
"You girls having a bake sale?" Taylor asked as he plucked a cookie off a baking sheet before making a beeline to his wife.
"Hey, guys!" Liz called from behind the fridge door. "How was the show?"
"They sat us with the Arctic Monkeys so we started doing shot for shot right after the host started talking," Taylor laughed. "It's been a long night."
Dave could just see the top of Liz's head as she stood up and closed the fridge door with her foot, revealing that she wasn't wearing much more than Ally. A black bralette, a pair of shorts that look suspiciously like a pair of his boxers rolled down at the waist while holding a gallon of milk. "Had we known we had a sorority themed porn set wating for us, we would have gotten here earlier," he said, inching his way towards her.
Liz looked at him in surprise, then over at Ally and down at herself before the two girls burst out laughing. "Ally wanted to try out the Aga" Liz explained, pointing over her shoulder to the lemon-colored stove behind her. "We got a little carried away before realizing that this place doesn't have AC."
"Literally no one here is complaining," Taylor mumbled and nuzzled Ally's neck.
Dave caught the look Liz gave Ally just as he reached her side and figured the Hawkins' kitchen would have a brand new stove before they even got home. Liz set the milk down, then looked around the kitchen and sitting room. "Wait, where's Josi and Rami?"
"They're checking each other's various body cavities for contraband in the front yard," Dave muttered, putting his arm around her waist and trying to decide which cookie would soak up the most alcohol.
"Oh gross," Liz giggled and leaned her shoulder into him. "Do I need to go turn the hose on them?"
"You might need to aim it at this one first," Ally squealed when Taylor picked her up by the backs of her thighs and started towards the front door.
"Bye Hawkins... es! Take the rabbits in the front yard with you," Dave yelled and reached for a cookie, swearing when he burned himself on a baking sheet. "Ow! Shit!"

That Blue Gibson
FanfictionCONTINUED in That Blue Gibson: Another Round 📷 IG: thatbluegibson "I'm in love with you." "Don't... don't tell me that right now." "Why not? Right now is when you need to hear it the most." Dave took one look at her from across the green room and...