CH 82

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"We should do this every weekend," Ally said, clinking her champagne glass against Liz's. 

"Fuck yeah we should," Josie replied, holding her glass up in the air. 

After the excitement of buying things for Ally and Taylor's potential new arrival, the three had found a vintage shop just off the avenue that specialized in designer evening wear and hours later, they were drinking expensive champagne while wearing ball gowns in the hotel's exclusive bar. 

Liz's phone buzzed around on the table and she lazily leaned forward to answer it. "Hello?"

"Happy birthday, Liz."

She could hear the smile in his voice and felt herself actually swoon over how sweet he sounded. Dave made her feel sixteen again, falling for him like she had never been hurt by love before. "Thanks," she giggled. "Is it already after midnight?"

"It's midnight and... thirty-six seconds. I wanted to be the first to tell you."

"You are, mon amour," she replied, watching Ally leap up from her chair to greet someone across the bar. "When will you be back?"

"Taylor and I are almost there. Are you in the bar?"

"Yeah," Liz craned her neck to make sure Ally was still around, finding her leaned against the bar laughing with a blonde woman. "Hey, did you tell Taylor yet? About... you know..."

Dave was silent for a beat before answering, "No, but I can..."

"Please do. Ally had a moment and I needed to tell her."

"Yeah, okay. I love you and I'll see you in a minute." She could hear his smile return and found herself grinning as she hung up. She turned to Josie to ask if she wanted more champagne, but the thunderous look on her friend's face took the words out of her mouth. 

"If you need to leave, just reapply your lipstick and I'll rescue you," she said quickly, then plastered a smile on her face so fast it made Liz's head spin.

Before she could ask what the hell was going on and remind her that she didn't have any lipstick, Ally was pulling her upright. "Elizabeth! My friend wanted to meet you," she chirped, her voice much too cheery for their surroundings. 

Liz held her hand out to the gorgeous blonde woman in front of her and smiled. "Hi, I'm Liz," she said warmly when their hands met. 

"It's so nice to finally meet you," the blonde said. "I'm Jordyn."


"Hey, man," Dave hung up his call with Liz and turned on the bench seat so he was facing Taylor. "You okay?"

"Yeah," he grumbled, rubbing the back of his left arm. "I can't get this fucking muscle cramp to let up, though."

Dave ignored his complaint and pressed on, worried he would panic and change his mind if he hesitated. "So Liz and I decided that-"

"Jesus fucking Christ, man!" Taylor yelled, making their driver jump. "You're getting married already?"

"What?" Dave looked around the dark van as if that would answer his question. 

"I get that Paris is romantic and whatever, but how's it gonna feel when we get back to LA and reality hits?"

"Whoa, Hawkins. That's not- we're not... No, dude," Dave shook his head so hard that pieces of his long hair came loose from its tie. "Liz wants to do the baby thing."

Taylor's posture gradually changed from annoyed to confused. "You knocked her up?"

Dave stared at him for a moment, wondering if maybe he was speaking a different language. Usually, they could finish each other's sentences, but when they disconnected it was a complete system failure apparently. "No, you and Ally are going to."

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