"So do all your after parties happen at strip clubs or...," Liz leaned against the bar next to Dave as a gorgeous dancer in black platform heels walked by them.
Dave looked over at her and smiled sheepishly as Liz laughed and nudged his elbow with hers. They watched the small stage next to the bar as a dancer climbed a ten-foot pole to the rafters of the building.
"I'd like to see Vedder climb his stage rigging in eight-inch heels and false eyelashes," Liz said, impressed.
Dave shrugged, "I've seen it and it's not as hot as you would think."
Liz's eyes slid over to him before dissolving into giggles. She felt a light tap on her shoulder and turned to face a gorgeous brunette.
"Oh it is you," she breathed, her eyes widening, "I'm so sorry to bother you, but I just wanted to say that your role as Abigail Adams was brilliant. You really portrayed her as the feminist icon she was."
"Thank you," Liz smiled genuinely at her, "I think she's one of the most interesting people in American political history."
The brunette nodded earnestly, "Oh, I completely agree! I consider her one of our founding fathers... well, mother."
Liz's eyes went wide, forgetting that this woman was topless. "So do I! I firmly believe that she fed all of the ideas for the Continental Congress through John."
"I'm actually writing my master's thesis on her," the woman shrugged, a little embarrassed.
"If we mean to have heroes, statesmen, and philosophers, we should have learned women," Liz quoted Abigail. "When do you graduate?" She felt Dave's hand on her back but ignored it.
"Hopefully in May!" the girl bounced a little in excitement making Liz laugh. "I'm Maddy," she added, shaking Liz's hand, "Would your boyfriend like a dance?"
Liz froze for a moment, processing what she said. "Oh, he's not my...," she turned to look at Dave whose eyes were fixed on Maddy's boobs. "Yeah, take him," she laughed, stepping back as Maddy took Dave's hand.
Dave shook his head a little to clear his thoughts as Maddy pulled him away from Liz. He had been wondering how it was possible for Liz's breasts to look so much better than this girl's when she had been through two pregnancies and was at least a few years older. He looked her over again as Maddy tightly held his hand, pulling him towards the back of the club. She had an amazing body, the kind that most women in LA would kill for, with long legs, perfect ass, and narrow waist. She had obviously had her breasts done at some point, but they didn't quite seem to fit her body size making her look a bit cartoonish. She pulled him down into a secluded booth next to her and immediately crawled into his lap. Normally, Dave would have been into it, but he found himself trying to look through the crowd to see where Liz was at.
"You just let him go?"Josie cried over Rami's shoulder.
Liz laughed and shrugged. "We're in a strip club, Josie," she reminded her.
"Yeah but, now she's rubbing all up on him," Josie swatted at Rami when he drunkenly bit at her shoulder, "That doesn't piss you off?"
Liz looked at her, confused. "No... I mean, that's what strip clubs are all about," she grabbed her whiskey off the bar and took a drink.
"But you guys are a thing," Josie insisted causing Rami to turn and look at Liz.
"We are not a thing, Josie," Liz replied, a touch of warning to her voice. "We're friends."

That Blue Gibson
FanfictionCONTINUED in That Blue Gibson: Another Round 📷 IG: thatbluegibson "I'm in love with you." "Don't... don't tell me that right now." "Why not? Right now is when you need to hear it the most." Dave took one look at her from across the green room and...