"Oh my god, make it stop," Liz moaned, half asleep in Dave's arms.
Thump thump
"I'm gonna call him," Dave grumbled and moved to sit up in the dark.
"No," Liz sleepily pulled him back to her, "They're trying to have a baby. Let them enjoy their stupidity for at least one night."
Dave stared down at Liz with wide eyes. "They're trying to what?"
She froze, realizing she maybe just revealed some news about his best friend that wasn't hers to tell. "Go back to sleep," she whispered.
He settled back next to her but was now wide awake. Taylor had just called him two days ago to tell him that Ally couldn't carry any more children, so why the fuck were they trying to get pregnant? Two days ago they were looking for a surrogate - which didn't mean they couldn't fool around, but... oh shit.
"Liz..." his voice sounded like a warning.
"Mmmm," she grumbled, snuggling her head deeper into his shoulder.
"What did Ally say... exactly?"
There was a brief pause before Liz took a breath, "Just that they were having a tough time getting pregnant. Why?" She shifted a little so she could see his face.
"She didn't..." he wasn't quite sure how to finish his question. Did my best friend and his wife try to knock you up? seemed a little much.
"Please don't tell her I said anything. I don't want her to think-"
"Taylor already told me," he pulled her back to him and tried to relax enough to fall back asleep, "Don't worry."
Taylor grinned when Dave met him in the hallway between their two rooms. "You look like shit," he laughed.
"Can't imagine why," Dave muttered.
"She keep you up all night?" Taylor pointed his chin towards the room Dave had snuck out of, leaving Liz sound asleep in their bed.
"No," he pointed a finger in his face as he passed him, "you did."
"Ha! Payback for all those tour bus groupies!" Taylor hurried to keep up.
Dave dragged his hand down his face when they reached the elevators, listening to the soft whirring of the weights behind the door.
"Hey, so..." Taylor shoved his hands in the pockets of the pants he was wearing the night before and awkwardly toed the tile floor. "Ally thinks she found someone."
Fuck. "Oh yeah?" Dave tried to sound excited for him, but he was up most of the night dreading this exact conversation.
"Yeah. Says she's in her early thirties, healthy and already has a couple successful pregnancies, so this actually might happen!"
"That's awesome, man," Dave tried to sound enthused, but just sounded tired.
"Ally's pretty jazzed, you know?"
Bet she's not feeling so great this morning, Dave thought bitterly.
"She's been taking all this really hard... blaming herself for last time," Taylor rattled on as they wandered into the lobby, passing the line at the Starbucks and leaving through a side door towards a Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf that was just across a small side street. "Dude? Dave, are you listening?"
"Yeah, sorry," Dave threw on his sunglasses and waited for a car to pass before jogging across the street.
"I thought you'd be excited about this," Taylor ran to keep up, grabbing his arm to stop him when they reached the other side of the street.

That Blue Gibson
FanfictionCONTINUED in That Blue Gibson: Another Round 📷 IG: thatbluegibson "I'm in love with you." "Don't... don't tell me that right now." "Why not? Right now is when you need to hear it the most." Dave took one look at her from across the green room and...