CH 73

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The space under the stage was a maze of cords and metal rods that held up the platform, illuminated by the gaps in the deck above them and an exposed red bulb at the far end. The deck was tall enough that Liz could walk by stooping over, but she knew Dave would have to bend completely to follow her. She had only made it a few feet and was directly under Colin's kit when Dave snaked his arm around her hips and pulled her to the floor. Her knees hit the concrete and then she was suddenly on her back, staring up at him as his hands slipped under her shirt and gripped her waist. He leaned over her, once again putting his lips against her ear so she would be sure to hear him.


Her eyes darted up to his, letting his single word sink into her pores. No, goddamnit, she thought, instantly bristling against his possessiveness. She wasn't anybody's. He couldn't just party with a bunch of other rock stars and eager groupies then come seek her out when he was good and drunk just so he could get off. That wasn't how this worked for her. Maybe it was what he was used to, what the women before her had put up with, but she had been fighting the exact mindset when it came to Johnny and Kyle, and she sure as hell wasn't going to willingly fall back into another cycle of pain. She had a thousand smart ass responses but now wasn't the time or the place. Her little game was over and all she could do was raise an eyebrow at him.

It was like a bell had rung signaling a fight. He roughly yanked her upright and shoved her leather jacket off her shoulders, tossing it just behind her before pulling her shirt up and over her head. He twisted it tightly just as it reached her wrists, binding them together. Liz looked down at her bound hands in surprise, then back up at him, but he was too occupied with the button on her jeans to notice. She tried to untangle herself, but he grabbed the fabric around her hands and hooked it on a metal rod directly above her head.

His hand trailed down her arms, leaving a wake of tingling skin before lightly gripping her throat. "Don't move, you'll rip your shirt," he growled against her lips and she felt her skin heat up, the exact opposite reaction she was expecting from herself. Jesus fucking christ he was hot. Infuriating, but so hot. 

When his attention turned back to her jeans, she tested her hands and found she could easily unhook them, but now she wanted to see where he was headed with this. The original intention was to have it out with him, then hopefully make out somewhere no one would point their phone's camera at them, but things were turning out better than anticipated. No one would venture under the stage unless there was an electrical issue and she knew at least part of Dave was paying attention to the noise above them. She could trust him to get her out of there before some tech with a toolbox snuck up behind them. 

Somewhat aware that he had pulled off her shoes and jeans, she felt his beard scratch against her thigh and her hips involuntarily lifted to meet him halfway. Her head tipped back the second he pressed his mouth against her and she could feel his stifled laugh. Anger shot through her veins at his smugness and she arched away, forcing him to crawl towards her to close the gap again. He offered her an apologetic pout, but she narrowed her eyes in a silent warning.  

He tried again, this time trailing kisses down her belly as he held her hips to the cold concrete floor. She bit back a moan when he shouldered her thighs apart, letting out an annoyed huff instead that made his eyes snap to her face. Knowing he was watching her closely and unwilling to give him the satisfaction of seeing the effect he was having on her, she bit the inside of her cheek so hard she tasted blood. The faster he moved his tongue, the quicker her body betrayed her by trembling under his hold. She was beginning to think she was on the losing end of this fight when the drum kit above her shifted into the downbeat. Dave's rhythm faltered when he smirked at Colin's fuck up, giving Liz a lucid moment to come up with an idea. 

She rested her head on her arm and slowly relaxed against him, allowing herself close enough to the edge that her body began to tense. Just as she had anticipated, he released his hold on her hips and she felt the pressure of his fingers working into her. With the last thread of sanity she had left, she coyly bit her bottom lip and lifted her eyes to the stage above her, to where Colin's kick pedal was thumping against the wood.

The first wave knocked her senseless and she cried out, throwing her head back against her leather jacket pooled behind her. The rushing in her ears muted the blasting music and she welcomed the calm that followed. She felt as if she were floating and the ache in her hands dulled, if only for a moment. Then reality came rushing back at her, where the music seemed louder and more aggressive and Dave was pressing her into the cold floor, his lips back on her throat. She sucked in a sharp breath just as the music stopped and the singer addressed the crowd.

"He could never make you feel like that, baby" Dave grinned against her cheek, clearly proud of his accomplishment against her.

"I don't know..., " Liz shrugged as best she could with her arms pinned, still trying to catch her breath. "He's a drummer too, you know."

Dave frowned and he pulled back to search her face. "Well," he pulled himself to his knees and moved to stand, "I'll see you back at the house, then."

Fear raced across Liz's face and her jaw dropped. "Dave!"

"Calm down," he laughed mirthlessly and sunk back down to help untangle her. "Did you really think I'd leave you down here for some horny roadie to find?"

Liz examined her newly freed wrist and wondered how she was going to hide the welts the rest of the night. "That would be some kinky Blair Witch kind of shit," she muttered.

"Every roadie's dream." He helped her put her shirt back on, then tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "What's wrong?


Taylor and Ally waited patiently at the tall catering table just outside the dressing room, quietly listening to Dave and Liz battle it out just beyond the closed door. 

Don't you fucking think I know that? Dave yelled.

Then quit acting like I'm a goddamn invalid! she shouted back.

Ally sighed and slipped her hand into Taylor's. "Did we ever fight about me moving in with you?"

"No, I pretty much conned you into moving in with me after our second date," he chuckled. 

She frowned, thinking back to their first few dates together. "You did not!" she protested. 

Taylor paused, sensing he had hit a nerve with his wife and began to formulate a backtracking plan when the dressing room door crashed open and Dave stormed out. 

"Hawkins. Bar. Now," he demanded and stomped off.

"Ten minutes, babe," Taylor promised Ally and kissed her on the cheek before running off after his best friend. 

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